From 3857b5dfa338e9bdcc5894fbb8f9ac1ea4e0ad16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jasmine Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 13:43:07 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] chore: initialize project template --- .envrc | 2 + .gitattributes | 1 + .gitignore | 14 + .hlint.yaml | 3293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LICENSE | 21 + | 44 + flake.lock | 113 + flake.nix | 22 + hie.yaml | 2 + justfile | 15 + nix/modules/flake/devshell.nix | 19 + nix/modules/flake/haskell.nix | 62 + nix/modules/flake/pre-commit.nix | 32 + src/Main.hs | 20 + xmonad-config.cabal | 68 + 15 files changed, 3728 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .envrc create mode 100644 .gitattributes create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 .hlint.yaml create mode 100644 LICENSE create mode 100644 create mode 100644 flake.lock create mode 100644 flake.nix create mode 100644 hie.yaml create mode 100644 justfile create mode 100644 nix/modules/flake/devshell.nix create mode 100644 nix/modules/flake/haskell.nix create mode 100644 nix/modules/flake/pre-commit.nix create mode 100644 src/Main.hs create mode 100644 xmonad-config.cabal diff --git a/.envrc b/.envrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f979923 --- /dev/null +++ b/.envrc @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +watch_file *.cabal nix/modules/flake-parts/*.nix +use flake diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af4fe8b --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +flake.lock linguist-generated=true diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76646ea --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# cabal +dist +dist-* +cabal.project.local +cabal.project.local~ + +# nix +result +result-* + +# direnv +.direnv + +/.pre-commit-config.yaml diff --git a/.hlint.yaml b/.hlint.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d2cfe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.hlint.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3293 @@ +# Repo-specific hlint rules go here: +- ignore: { name: Use camelCase } + +# Relude's .hlint.yaml goes here: +# +- arguments: + - "-XConstraintKinds" + - "-XDeriveGeneric" + - "-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving" + - "-XLambdaCase" + - "-XOverloadedStrings" + - "-XRecordWildCards" + - "-XScopedTypeVariables" + - "-XStandaloneDeriving" + - "-XTupleSections" + - "-XTypeApplications" + - "-XViewPatterns" +- ignore: + name: Use head +- ignore: + name: Use Foldable.forM_ +- hint: + lhs: "pure ()" + note: "Use 'pass'" + rhs: pass +- hint: + lhs: "return ()" + note: "Use 'pass'" + rhs: pass +- hint: + lhs: "(: [])" + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: "(:| [])" + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Sequence.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Text.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.ByteString.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Map.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Map.Strict.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.HashMap.Strict.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.HashMap.Lazy.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.IntMap.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Set.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.HashSet.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.IntSet.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.evaluate + rhs: evaluateWHNF +- warn: + lhs: "Control.Exception.evaluate (force x)" + rhs: evaluateNF x +- warn: + lhs: "Control.Exception.evaluate (x `deepseq` ())" + rhs: evaluateNF_ x +- warn: + lhs: "void (evaluateWHNF x)" + rhs: evaluateWHNF_ x +- warn: + lhs: "void (evaluateNF x)" + rhs: evaluateNF_ x +- hint: + lhs: Control.Exception.throw + note: "Use 'impureThrow'" + rhs: impureThrow +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.readFile + rhs: readFileText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.writeFile + rhs: writeFileText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.appendFile + rhs: appendFileText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.readFile + rhs: readFileLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.writeFile + rhs: writeFileLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.appendFile + rhs: appendFileLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.readFile + rhs: readFileBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.writeFile + rhs: writeFileBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.appendFile + rhs: appendFileBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.readFile + rhs: readFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.writeFile + rhs: writeFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.appendFile + rhs: appendFileLBS +- hint: + lhs: "foldl' (flip f)" + note: "Use 'flipfoldl''" + rhs: "flipfoldl' f" +- warn: + lhs: "foldl' (+) 0" + rhs: sum +- warn: + lhs: "foldl' (*) 1" + rhs: product +- hint: + lhs: "fmap and (sequence s)" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: andM s +- hint: + lhs: "and <$> sequence s" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: andM s +- hint: + lhs: "fmap or (sequence s)" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: orM s +- hint: + lhs: "or <$> sequence s" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: orM s +- hint: + lhs: "fmap and (mapM f s)" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: allM f s +- hint: + lhs: "and <$> mapM f s" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: allM f s +- hint: + lhs: "fmap or (mapM f s)" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: anyM f s +- hint: + lhs: "or <$> mapM f s" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: anyM f s +- warn: + lhs: "getAlt (foldMap (Alt . f) xs)" + rhs: asumMap xs +- warn: + lhs: "getAlt . foldMap (Alt . f)" + rhs: asumMap +- hint: + lhs: "foldr (\\x acc -> f x <|> acc) empty" + note: "Use 'asumMap'" + rhs: asumMap f +- hint: + lhs: "asum (map f xs)" + note: "Use 'asumMap'" + rhs: asumMap f xs +- warn: + lhs: "map fst &&& map snd" + rhs: unzip +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (fmap f) x" + note: "Use '(<<$>>)'" + rhs: "f <<$>> x" +- hint: + lhs: "(\\f -> f x) <$> ff" + note: Use flap operator + rhs: "ff ?? x" +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (\\f -> f x) ff" + note: Use flap operator + rhs: "ff ?? x" +- hint: + lhs: "fmap ($ x) ff" + note: Use flap operator + rhs: "ff ?? x" +- hint: + lhs: "($ x) <$> ff" + note: Use flap operator + rhs: "ff ?? x" +- warn: + lhs: "fmap f (nonEmpty x)" + rhs: viaNonEmpty f x +- warn: + lhs: fmap f . nonEmpty + rhs: viaNonEmpty f +- warn: + lhs: "f <$> nonEmpty x" + rhs: viaNonEmpty f x +- warn: + lhs: partitionEithers . map f + rhs: partitionWith f +- warn: + lhs: partitionEithers $ map f x + rhs: partitionWith f x +- warn: + lhs: "f >>= guard" + rhs: guardM f +- warn: + lhs: guard =<< f + rhs: guardM f +- warn: + lhs: forever + note: "'forever' is loosely typed and may hide errors" + rhs: infinitely +- warn: + lhs: "whenM (not <$> x)" + rhs: unlessM x +- warn: + lhs: "unlessM (not <$> x)" + rhs: whenM x +- warn: + lhs: "either (const True) (const False)" + rhs: isLeft +- warn: + lhs: "either (const False) (const True)" + rhs: isRight +- warn: + lhs: "either id (const a)" + rhs: fromLeft a +- warn: + lhs: "either (const b) id" + rhs: fromRight b +- warn: + lhs: "either Just (const Nothing)" + rhs: leftToMaybe +- warn: + lhs: "either (const Nothing) Just" + rhs: rightToMaybe +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (Left l) Right" + rhs: maybeToRight l +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (Right r) Left" + rhs: maybeToLeft r +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pure ()" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> return ()" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pass" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> pure () ; Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> return (); Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> pass ; Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (pure ()) f m" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (return ()) f m" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: maybe pass f m + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenJust a f" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pure ()" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> return ()" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pass" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> pure () ; Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> return (); Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> pass ; Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (pure ()) f =<< m" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (return ()) f =<< m" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: maybe pass f =<< m + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe (pure ()) f" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe (return ()) f" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe pass f" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just _ -> pure () ; Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just _ -> return (); Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just _ -> pass ; Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pass" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> pure () ) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> return () ) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> pass ) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const (pure () )) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const (return ())) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const pass) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenNothing_ a x" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just _ -> pure () ; Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just _ -> return (); Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just _ -> pass ; Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pass" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> pure () ) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> return () ) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> pass ) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const (pure () )) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const (return ())) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const pass) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (\\_ -> pure ())" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (\\_ -> return ())" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (\\_ -> pass)" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (const (pure ()) )" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (const (return ()))" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (const pass)" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "whenLeft ()" + rhs: whenLeft_ +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pass" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> pure () ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> return (); Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> pass ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pure () ) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> return () ) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pass ) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (pure () )) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (return ())) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const pass) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenLeft_ a f" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pass" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> pure () ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> return (); Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> pass ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pure () ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> return () ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pass ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (pure () )) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (return ())) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const pass) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> pure ())" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> return ())" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> pass)" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const (pure ()) )" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const (return ()))" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const pass)" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "whenRight ()" + rhs: whenRight_ +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pass" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> pure () ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> return (); Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> pass ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pure () ) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> return () ) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pass ) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (pure () )) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (return ())) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const pass) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenRight_ a f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure () " + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pass" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> pure () ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> return (); Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> pass ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pure () ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> return () ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pass ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (pure () )) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (return ())) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const pass) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> pure ()) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> return ()) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> pass) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const (pure ()) ) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const (return ())) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const pass) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure d " + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return d" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> pure d ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> return d; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pure d ) m" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> return d ) m" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (pure d )) m" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (return d)) m" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenLeft d a f" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure d" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return d" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> pure d ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> return d; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pure d ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> return d ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (pure d )) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (return d)) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> pure d)" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> return d)" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const (pure d))" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const (return d))" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure d" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return d" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> pure d ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> return d; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pure d ) f m" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> return d ) f m" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (pure d )) f m" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (return d)) f m" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenRight d a f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure d" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return d" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> pure d ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> return d; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pure d ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> return d ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (pure d )) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (return d)) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> pure d) f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> return d) f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const (pure d) ) f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const (return d)) f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of [] -> return (); (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of [] -> pure () ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of [] -> pass ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> return ()" + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pure () " + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pass " + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> pass ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> pure () ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> return (); (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pass " + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pure () " + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> return ()" + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: mapMaybe leftToMaybe + rhs: lefts +- warn: + lhs: mapMaybe rightToMaybe + rhs: rights +- warn: + lhs: flip runReaderT + rhs: usingReaderT +- warn: + lhs: flip runReader + rhs: usingReader +- warn: + lhs: flip runStateT + rhs: usingStateT +- warn: + lhs: flip runState + rhs: usingState +- warn: + lhs: "fst <$> usingStateT s st" + rhs: evaluatingStateT s st +- warn: + lhs: "fst (usingState s st)" + rhs: evaluatingState s st +- warn: + lhs: "snd <$> usingStateT s st" + rhs: executingStateT s st +- warn: + lhs: "snd (usingState s st)" + rhs: executingState s st +- warn: + lhs: "MaybeT (pure m)" + rhs: hoistMaybe m +- warn: + lhs: "MaybeT (return m)" + rhs: hoistMaybe m +- warn: + lhs: MaybeT . pure + rhs: hoistMaybe +- warn: + lhs: MaybeT . return + rhs: hoistMaybe +- warn: + lhs: "ExceptT (pure m)" + rhs: hoistEither m +- warn: + lhs: "ExceptT (return m)" + rhs: hoistEither m +- warn: + lhs: ExceptT . pure + rhs: hoistEither +- warn: + lhs: ExceptT . return + rhs: hoistEither +- warn: + lhs: fromMaybe mempty + rhs: maybeToMonoid +- warn: + lhs: "m ?: mempty" + rhs: maybeToMonoid m +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Map.toAscList (Data.Map.fromList x)" + rhs: sortWith fst x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Map.toDescList (Data.Map.fromList x)" + rhs: "sortWith (Down . fst) x" +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Set.toList (Data.Set.fromList l)" + rhs: sortNub l +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Set.assocs (Data.Set.fromList l)" + rhs: sortNub l +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Set.toAscList (Data.Set.fromList l)" + rhs: sortNub l +- warn: + lhs: "Data.HashSet.toList (Data.HashSet.fromList l)" + rhs: unstableNub l +- warn: + lhs: nub + note: "'nub' is O(n^2), 'ordNub' is O(n log n)" + rhs: ordNub +- warn: + lhs: "sortBy (comparing f)" + note: "If the function you are using for 'comparing' is slow, use 'sortOn' instead of 'sortWith', because 'sortOn' caches applications the function and 'sortWith' doesn't." + rhs: sortWith f +- warn: + lhs: sortOn fst + note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" + rhs: sortWith fst +- warn: + lhs: sortOn snd + note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" + rhs: sortWith snd +- warn: + lhs: "sortOn (Down . fst)" + note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" + rhs: "sortWith (Down . fst)" +- warn: + lhs: "sortOn (Down . snd)" + note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" + rhs: "sortWith (Down . snd)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.putStr + rhs: putText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.putStrLn + rhs: putTextLn +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.putStr + rhs: putLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.putStrLn + rhs: putLTextLn +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Char8.putStr + rhs: putBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Char8.putStrLn + rhs: putBSLn +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStr + rhs: putLBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStrLn + rhs: putLBSLn +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.Text + rhs: LText +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString + rhs: LByteString +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.UTF8.fromString + rhs: encodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.UTF8.toString + rhs: decodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 + rhs: encodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 + rhs: decodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: "Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict (encodeUtf8 x)" + rhs: encodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "toStrict (encodeUtf8 x)" + rhs: encodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "decodeUtf8 (Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "decodeUtf8 (fromStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8.fromString + rhs: encodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8.toString + rhs: decodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: "Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict (Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 x)" + rhs: encodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict (encodeUtf8 x)" + rhs: encodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 (Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 (toStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "decodeUtf8 (Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "decodeUtf8 (toStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.pack + rhs: toText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.unpack + rhs: toString +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.pack + rhs: toLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.unpack + rhs: toString +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict + rhs: toText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict + rhs: toLText +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.pack (show x)" + rhs: show x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.Lazy.pack (show x)" + rhs: show x +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict + rhs: fromStrict +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict + rhs: toStrict +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict + rhs: fromStrict +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict + rhs: toStrict +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.Alternative + name: "Use 'Alternative' from Relude" + note: "'Alternative' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Alternative +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.empty + name: "Use 'empty' from Relude" + note: "'empty' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: empty +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Applicative.<|>)" + name: "Use '<|>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<|>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<|>)" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.some + name: "Use 'some' from Relude" + note: "'some' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: some +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.many + name: "Use 'many' from Relude" + note: "'many' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: many +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.Const + name: "Use 'Const' from Relude" + note: "'Const' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Const +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.getConst + name: "Use 'getConst' from Relude" + note: "'getConst' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getConst +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.ZipList + name: "Use 'ZipList' from Relude" + note: "'ZipList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ZipList +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.getZipList + name: "Use 'getZipList' from Relude" + note: "'getZipList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getZipList +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.liftA2 + name: "Use 'liftA2' from Relude" + note: "'liftA2' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: liftA2 +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.liftA3 + name: "Use 'liftA3' from Relude" + note: "'liftA3' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: liftA3 +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.optional + name: "Use 'optional' from Relude" + note: "'optional' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: optional +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Applicative.<**>)" + name: "Use '<**>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<**>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<**>)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bits.xor + name: "Use 'xor' from Relude" + note: "'xor' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: xor +- warn: + lhs: Data.Char.chr + name: "Use 'chr' from Relude" + note: "'chr' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: chr +- warn: + lhs: Data.Int.Int8 + name: "Use 'Int8' from Relude" + note: "'Int8' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Int8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Int.Int16 + name: "Use 'Int16' from Relude" + note: "'Int16' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Int16 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Int.Int32 + name: "Use 'Int32' from Relude" + note: "'Int32' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Int32 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Int.Int64 + name: "Use 'Int64' from Relude" + note: "'Int64' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Int64 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.Word8 + name: "Use 'Word8' from Relude" + note: "'Word8' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Word8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.Word16 + name: "Use 'Word16' from Relude" + note: "'Word16' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Word16 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.Word32 + name: "Use 'Word32' from Relude" + note: "'Word32' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Word32 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.Word64 + name: "Use 'Word64' from Relude" + note: "'Word64' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Word64 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap16 + name: "Use 'byteSwap16' from Relude" + note: "'byteSwap16' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: byteSwap16 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap32 + name: "Use 'byteSwap32' from Relude" + note: "'byteSwap32' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: byteSwap32 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap64 + name: "Use 'byteSwap64' from Relude" + note: "'byteSwap64' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: byteSwap64 +- warn: + lhs: Numeric.Natural.Natural + name: "Use 'Natural' from Relude" + note: "'Natural' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Natural +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.IOMode + name: "Use 'IOMode' from Relude" + note: "'IOMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IOMode +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.ReadMode + name: "Use 'ReadMode' from Relude" + note: "'ReadMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ReadMode +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.WriteMode + name: "Use 'WriteMode' from Relude" + note: "'WriteMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: WriteMode +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.AppendMode + name: "Use 'AppendMode' from Relude" + note: "'AppendMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: AppendMode +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.ReadWriteMode + name: "Use 'ReadWriteMode' from Relude" + note: "'ReadWriteMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ReadWriteMode +- warn: + lhs: Data.Ord.Down + name: "Use 'Down' from Relude" + note: "'Down' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Down +- warn: + lhs: Data.Ord.comparing + name: "Use 'comparing' from Relude" + note: "'comparing' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: comparing +- warn: + lhs: Data.Coerce.Coercible + name: "Use 'Coercible' from Relude" + note: "'Coercible' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Coercible +- warn: + lhs: Data.Coerce.coerce + name: "Use 'coerce' from Relude" + note: "'coerce' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: coerce +- warn: + lhs: Data.Kind.Constraint + name: "Use 'Constraint' from Relude" + note: "'Constraint' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Constraint +- warn: + lhs: Data.Kind.Type + name: "Use 'Type' from Relude" + note: "'Type' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Type +- warn: + lhs: Data.Typeable.Typeable + name: "Use 'Typeable' from Relude" + note: "'Typeable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Typeable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Proxy.Proxy + name: "Use 'Proxy' from Relude" + note: "'Proxy' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Proxy +- warn: + lhs: Data.Typeable.Typeable + name: "Use 'Typeable' from Relude" + note: "'Typeable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Typeable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Void.Void + name: "Use 'Void' from Relude" + note: "'Void' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Void +- warn: + lhs: Data.Void.absurd + name: "Use 'absurd' from Relude" + note: "'absurd' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: absurd +- warn: + lhs: Data.Void.vacuous + name: "Use 'vacuous' from Relude" + note: "'vacuous' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: vacuous +- warn: + lhs: Data.Base.maxInt + name: "Use 'maxInt' from Relude" + note: "'maxInt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: maxInt +- warn: + lhs: Data.Base.minInt + name: "Use 'minInt' from Relude" + note: "'minInt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: minInt +- warn: + lhs: Data.Base.ord + name: "Use 'ord' from Relude" + note: "'ord' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ord +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Enum.boundedEnumFrom + name: "Use 'boundedEnumFrom' from Relude" + note: "'boundedEnumFrom' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: boundedEnumFrom +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Enum.boundedEnumFromThen + name: "Use 'boundedEnumFromThen' from Relude" + note: "'boundedEnumFromThen' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: boundedEnumFromThen +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Generics.Generic + name: "Use 'Generic' from Relude" + note: "'Generic' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Generic +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Real.Ratio + name: "Use 'Ratio' from Relude" + note: "'Ratio' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Ratio +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Real.Rational + name: "Use 'Rational' from Relude" + note: "'Rational' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Rational +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Real.denominator + name: "Use 'denominator' from Relude" + note: "'denominator' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: denominator +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Real.numerator + name: "Use 'numerator' from Relude" + note: "'numerator' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: numerator +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.CmpNat + name: "Use 'CmpNat' from Relude" + note: "'CmpNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: CmpNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.KnownNat + name: "Use 'KnownNat' from Relude" + note: "'KnownNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: KnownNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.Nat + name: "Use 'Nat' from Relude" + note: "'Nat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Nat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.SomeNat + name: "Use 'SomeNat' from Relude" + note: "'SomeNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: SomeNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.natVal + name: "Use 'natVal' from Relude" + note: "'natVal' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: natVal +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.someNatVal + name: "Use 'someNatVal' from Relude" + note: "'someNatVal' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: someNatVal +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.CmpNat + name: "Use 'CmpNat' from Relude" + note: "'CmpNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: CmpNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat + name: "Use 'KnownNat' from Relude" + note: "'KnownNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: KnownNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.Nat + name: "Use 'Nat' from Relude" + note: "'Nat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Nat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.SomeNat + name: "Use 'SomeNat' from Relude" + note: "'SomeNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: SomeNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.natVal + name: "Use 'natVal' from Relude" + note: "'natVal' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: natVal +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.someNatVal + name: "Use 'someNatVal' from Relude" + note: "'someNatVal' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: someNatVal +- warn: + lhs: GHC.ExecutionStack.getStackTrace + name: "Use 'getStackTrace' from Relude" + note: "'getStackTrace' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getStackTrace +- warn: + lhs: GHC.ExecutionStack.showStackTrace + name: "Use 'showStackTrace' from Relude" + note: "'showStackTrace' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: showStackTrace +- warn: + lhs: GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel + name: "Use 'IsLabel' from Relude" + note: "'IsLabel' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IsLabel +- warn: + lhs: GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel + name: "Use 'fromLabel' from Relude" + note: "'fromLabel' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromLabel +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.CallStack + name: "Use 'CallStack' from Relude" + note: "'CallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: CallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.HasCallStack + name: "Use 'HasCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'HasCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: HasCallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.callStack + name: "Use 'callStack' from Relude" + note: "'callStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: callStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.currentCallStack + name: "Use 'currentCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'currentCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: currentCallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.getCallStack + name: "Use 'getCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'getCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getCallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.prettyCallStack + name: "Use 'prettyCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'prettyCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: prettyCallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.prettySrcLoc + name: "Use 'prettySrcLoc' from Relude" + note: "'prettySrcLoc' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: prettySrcLoc +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.withFrozenCallStack + name: "Use 'withFrozenCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'withFrozenCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withFrozenCallStack +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.Bifoldable + name: "Use 'Bifoldable' from Relude" + note: "'Bifoldable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Bifoldable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifold + name: "Use 'bifold' from Relude" + note: "'bifold' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifold +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldMap + name: "Use 'bifoldMap' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldMap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldMap +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldr + name: "Use 'bifoldr' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldr' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldr +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldl + name: "Use 'bifoldl' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldl' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldl +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Bifoldable.bifoldl'" + name: "Use 'bifoldl'' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldl'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "bifoldl'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldlM + name: "Use 'bifoldlM' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldlM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldlM +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Bifoldable.bifoldr'" + name: "Use 'bifoldr'' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldr'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "bifoldr'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldrM + name: "Use 'bifoldrM' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldrM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldrM +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bitraverse_ + name: "Use 'bitraverse_' from Relude" + note: "'bitraverse_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bitraverse_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifor_ + name: "Use 'bifor_' from Relude" + note: "'bifor_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifor_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biasum + name: "Use 'biasum' from Relude" + note: "'biasum' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biasum +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bisequence_ + name: "Use 'bisequence_' from Relude" + note: "'bisequence_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bisequence_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biList + name: "Use 'biList' from Relude" + note: "'biList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biList +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.binull + name: "Use 'binull' from Relude" + note: "'binull' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: binull +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bilength + name: "Use 'bilength' from Relude" + note: "'bilength' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bilength +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bielem + name: "Use 'bielem' from Relude" + note: "'bielem' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bielem +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biand + name: "Use 'biand' from Relude" + note: "'biand' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biand +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bior + name: "Use 'bior' from Relude" + note: "'bior' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bior +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biany + name: "Use 'biany' from Relude" + note: "'biany' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biany +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biall + name: "Use 'biall' from Relude" + note: "'biall' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biall +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifind + name: "Use 'bifind' from Relude" + note: "'bifind' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifind +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.Bitraversable + name: "Use 'Bitraversable' from Relude" + note: "'Bitraversable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Bitraversable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bitraverse + name: "Use 'bitraverse' from Relude" + note: "'bitraverse' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bitraverse +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bisequence + name: "Use 'bisequence' from Relude" + note: "'bisequence' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bisequence +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bifor + name: "Use 'bifor' from Relude" + note: "'bifor' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifor +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bimapDefault + name: "Use 'bimapDefault' from Relude" + note: "'bimapDefault' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bimapDefault +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bifoldMapDefault + name: "Use 'bifoldMapDefault' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldMapDefault' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldMapDefault +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.guard + name: "Use 'guard' from Relude" + note: "'guard' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: guard +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.unless + name: "Use 'unless' from Relude" + note: "'unless' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: unless +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.when + name: "Use 'when' from Relude" + note: "'when' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: when +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bool.bool + name: "Use 'bool' from Relude" + note: "'bool' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bool +- warn: + lhs: Data.Hashable.Hashable + name: "Use 'Hashable' from Relude" + note: "'Hashable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Hashable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Hashable.hashWithSalt + name: "Use 'hashWithSalt' from Relude" + note: "'hashWithSalt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hashWithSalt +- warn: + lhs: Data.HashMap.Strict.HashMap + name: "Use 'HashMap' from Relude" + note: "'HashMap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: HashMap +- warn: + lhs: Data.HashSet.HashSet + name: "Use 'HashSet' from Relude" + note: "'HashSet' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: HashSet +- warn: + lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.IntMap + name: "Use 'IntMap' from Relude" + note: "'IntMap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IntMap +- warn: + lhs: Data.IntSet.IntSet + name: "Use 'IntSet' from Relude" + note: "'IntSet' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IntSet +- warn: + lhs: Data.Map.Strict.Map + name: "Use 'Map' from Relude" + note: "'Map' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Map +- warn: + lhs: Data.Sequence.Sequence + name: "Use 'Sequence' from Relude" + note: "'Sequence' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Sequence +- warn: + lhs: Data.Set.Set + name: "Use 'Set' from Relude" + note: "'Set' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Set +- warn: + lhs: Data.Tuple.swap + name: "Use 'swap' from Relude" + note: "'swap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: swap +- warn: + lhs: Data.Vector.Vector + name: "Use 'Vector' from Relude" + note: "'Vector' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Vector +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Exts.IsList + name: "Use 'IsList' from Relude" + note: "'IsList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IsList +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Exts.fromList + name: "Use 'fromList' from Relude" + note: "'fromList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromList +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Exts.fromListN + name: "Use 'fromListN' from Relude" + note: "'fromListN' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromListN +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.trace + name: "Use 'trace' from Relude" + note: "'trace' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: trace +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceShow + name: "Use 'traceShow' from Relude" + note: "'traceShow' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceShow +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceShowId + name: "Use 'traceShowId' from Relude" + note: "'traceShowId' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceShowId +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceShowM + name: "Use 'traceShowM' from Relude" + note: "'traceShowM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceShowM +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceM + name: "Use 'traceM' from Relude" + note: "'traceM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceM +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceId + name: "Use 'traceId' from Relude" + note: "'traceId' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceId +- warn: + lhs: Control.DeepSeq.NFData + name: "Use 'NFData' from Relude" + note: "'NFData' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: NFData +- warn: + lhs: Control.DeepSeq.rnf + name: "Use 'rnf' from Relude" + note: "'rnf' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: rnf +- warn: + lhs: Control.DeepSeq.deepseq + name: "Use 'deepseq' from Relude" + note: "'deepseq' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: deepseq +- warn: + lhs: Control.DeepSeq.force + name: "Use 'force' from Relude" + note: "'force' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: force +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.DeepSeq.$!!)" + name: "Use '$!!' from Relude" + note: "Operator '($!!)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "($!!)" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.Exception + name: "Use 'Exception' from Relude" + note: "'Exception' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Exception +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.SomeException + name: "Use 'SomeException' from Relude" + note: "'SomeException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: SomeException +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.toException + name: "Use 'toException' from Relude" + note: "'toException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: toException +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.fromException + name: "Use 'fromException' from Relude" + note: "'fromException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromException +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.displayException + name: "Use 'displayException' from Relude" + note: "'displayException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: displayException +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.asum + name: "Use 'asum' from Relude" + note: "'asum' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: asum +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.find + name: "Use 'find' from Relude" + note: "'find' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: find +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.find + name: "Use 'find' from Relude" + note: "'find' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: find +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.fold + name: "Use 'fold' from Relude" + note: "'fold' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fold +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Foldable.foldl'" + name: "Use 'foldl'' from Relude" + note: "'foldl'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "foldl'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.forM_ + name: "Use 'forM_' from Relude" + note: "'forM_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: forM_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.for_ + name: "Use 'for_' from Relude" + note: "'for_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: for_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.sequenceA_ + name: "Use 'sequenceA_' from Relude" + note: "'sequenceA_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sequenceA_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.toList + name: "Use 'toList' from Relude" + note: "'toList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: toList +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.traverse_ + name: "Use 'traverse_' from Relude" + note: "'traverse_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traverse_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Traversable.forM + name: "Use 'forM' from Relude" + note: "'forM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: forM +- warn: + lhs: Data.Traversable.mapAccumL + name: "Use 'mapAccumL' from Relude" + note: "'mapAccumL' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mapAccumL +- warn: + lhs: Data.Traversable.mapAccumR + name: "Use 'mapAccumR' from Relude" + note: "'mapAccumR' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mapAccumR +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Arrow.&&&)" + name: "Use '&&&' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(&&&)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(&&&)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Category.>>>)" + name: "Use '>>>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(>>>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(>>>)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Category.<<<)" + name: "Use '<<<' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<<<)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<<<)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Function.fix + name: "Use 'fix' from Relude" + note: "'fix' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fix +- warn: + lhs: Data.Function.on + name: "Use 'on' from Relude" + note: "'on' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "on" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor + name: "Use 'Bifunctor' from Relude" + note: "'Bifunctor' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Bifunctor +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifunctor.bimap + name: "Use 'bimap' from Relude" + note: "'bimap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bimap +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifunctor.first + name: "Use 'first' from Relude" + note: "'first' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: first +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifunctor.second + name: "Use 'second' from Relude" + note: "'second' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: second +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.void + name: "Use 'void' from Relude" + note: "'void' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: void +- warn: + lhs: "(Data.Functor.$>)" + name: "Use '$>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '($>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "($>)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Data.Functor.<&>)" + name: "Use '<&>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<&>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<&>)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.Compose.Compose + name: "Use 'Compose' from Relude" + note: "'Compose' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Compose +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.Compose.getCompose + name: "Use 'getCompose' from Relude" + note: "'getCompose' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getCompose +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.Identity.Identity + name: "Use 'Identity' from Relude" + note: "'Identity' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Identity +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.Identity.runIdentity + name: "Use 'runIdentity' from Relude" + note: "'runIdentity' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runIdentity +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.MVar + name: "Use 'MVar' from Relude" + note: "'MVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.newEmptyMVar + name: "Use 'newEmptyMVar' from Relude" + note: "'newEmptyMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newEmptyMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.newMVar + name: "Use 'newMVar' from Relude" + note: "'newMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.putMVar + name: "Use 'putMVar' from Relude" + note: "'putMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: putMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.readMVar + name: "Use 'readMVar' from Relude" + note: "'readMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.swapMVar + name: "Use 'swapMVar' from Relude" + note: "'swapMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: swapMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.takeMVar + name: "Use 'takeMVar' from Relude" + note: "'takeMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: takeMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.tryPutMVar + name: "Use 'tryPutMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryPutMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryPutMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.tryReadMVar + name: "Use 'tryReadMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryReadMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryReadMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.tryTakeMVar + name: "Use 'tryTakeMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryTakeMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryTakeMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.STM.STM + name: "Use 'STM' from Relude" + note: "'STM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: STM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.STM.atomically + name: "Use 'atomically' from Relude" + note: "'atomically' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: atomically +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.STM.throwSTM + name: "Use 'throwSTM' from Relude" + note: "'throwSTM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: throwSTM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.STM.catchSTM + name: "Use 'catchSTM' from Relude" + note: "'catchSTM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: catchSTM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.TVar + name: "Use 'TVar' from Relude" + note: "'TVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: TVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.newTVarIO + name: "Use 'newTVarIO' from Relude" + note: "'newTVarIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newTVarIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.readTVarIO + name: "Use 'readTVarIO' from Relude" + note: "'readTVarIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readTVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.modifyTVar'" + name: "Use 'modifyTVar'' from Relude" + note: "'modifyTVar'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "modifyTVar'" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.newTVar + name: "Use 'newTVar' from Relude" + note: "'newTVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newTVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.readTVar + name: "Use 'readTVar' from Relude" + note: "'readTVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readTVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.writeTVar + name: "Use 'writeTVar' from Relude" + note: "'writeTVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: writeTVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.TMVar + name: "Use 'TMVar' from Relude" + note: "'TMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: TMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.newTMVar + name: "Use 'newTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'newTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.newEmptyTMVar + name: "Use 'newEmptyTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'newEmptyTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newEmptyTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.newTMVarIO + name: "Use 'newTMVarIO' from Relude" + note: "'newTMVarIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newTMVarIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.newEmptyTMVarIO + name: "Use 'newEmptyTMVarIO' from Relude" + note: "'newEmptyTMVarIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newEmptyTMVarIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.takeTMVar + name: "Use 'takeTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'takeTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: takeTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.putTMVar + name: "Use 'putTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'putTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: putTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.readTMVar + name: "Use 'readTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'readTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.tryReadTMVar + name: "Use 'tryReadTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryReadTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryReadTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.swapTMVar + name: "Use 'swapTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'swapTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: swapTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.tryTakeTMVar + name: "Use 'tryTakeTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryTakeTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryTakeTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.tryPutTMVar + name: "Use 'tryPutTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryPutTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryPutTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.isEmptyTMVar + name: "Use 'isEmptyTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'isEmptyTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isEmptyTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.mkWeakTMVar + name: "Use 'mkWeakTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'mkWeakTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mkWeakTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.IORef + name: "Use 'IORef' from Relude" + note: "'IORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IORef +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.atomicModifyIORef + name: "Use 'atomicModifyIORef' from Relude" + note: "'atomicModifyIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: atomicModifyIORef +- warn: + lhs: "Data.IORef.atomicModifyIORef'" + name: "Use 'atomicModifyIORef'' from Relude" + note: "'atomicModifyIORef'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "atomicModifyIORef'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.atomicWriteIORef + name: "Use 'atomicWriteIORef' from Relude" + note: "'atomicWriteIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: atomicWriteIORef +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.modifyIORef + name: "Use 'modifyIORef' from Relude" + note: "'modifyIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: modifyIORef +- warn: + lhs: "Data.IORef.modifyIORef'" + name: "Use 'modifyIORef'' from Relude" + note: "'modifyIORef'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "modifyIORef'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.newIORef + name: "Use 'newIORef' from Relude" + note: "'newIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newIORef +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.readIORef + name: "Use 'readIORef' from Relude" + note: "'readIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readIORef +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.writeIORef + name: "Use 'writeIORef' from Relude" + note: "'writeIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: writeIORef +- warn: + lhs: "atomicModifyIORef ref (\\a -> (f a, ()))" + rhs: atomicModifyIORef_ ref f +- warn: + lhs: "atomicModifyIORef ref $ \\a -> (f a, ())" + rhs: atomicModifyIORef_ ref f +- warn: + lhs: "atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \\a -> (f a, ())" + rhs: "atomicModifyIORef'_ ref f" +- warn: + lhs: "atomicModifyIORef' ref (\\a -> (f a, ()))" + rhs: "atomicModifyIORef'_ ref f" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.getLine + name: "Use 'getLine' from Relude" + note: "'getLine' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getLine +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.hFlush + name: "Use 'hFlush' from Relude" + note: "'hFlush' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hFlush +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.hIsEOF + name: "Use 'hIsEOF' from Relude" + note: "'hIsEOF' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hIsEOF +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.hSetBuffering + name: "Use 'hSetBuffering' from Relude" + note: "'hSetBuffering' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hSetBuffering +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.hGetBuffering + name: "Use 'hGetBuffering' from Relude" + note: "'hGetBuffering' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hGetBuffering +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.Handle + name: "Use 'Handle' from Relude" + note: "'Handle' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Handle +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.stdin + name: "Use 'stdin' from Relude" + note: "'stdin' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stdin +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.stdout + name: "Use 'stdout' from Relude" + note: "'stdout' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stdout +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.stderr + name: "Use 'stderr' from Relude" + note: "'stderr' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stderr +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.withFile + name: "Use 'withFile' from Relude" + note: "'withFile' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withFile +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.BufferMode + name: "Use 'BufferMode' from Relude" + note: "'BufferMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: BufferMode +- warn: + lhs: System.Environment.getArgs + name: "Use 'getArgs' from Relude" + note: "'getArgs' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getArgs +- warn: + lhs: System.Environment.lookupEnv + name: "Use 'lookupEnv' from Relude" + note: "'lookupEnv' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lookupEnv +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericDrop + name: "Use 'genericDrop' from Relude" + note: "'genericDrop' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericDrop +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericLength + name: "Use 'genericLength' from Relude" + note: "'genericLength' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericLength +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericReplicate + name: "Use 'genericReplicate' from Relude" + note: "'genericReplicate' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericReplicate +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericSplitAt + name: "Use 'genericSplitAt' from Relude" + note: "'genericSplitAt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericSplitAt +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericTake + name: "Use 'genericTake' from Relude" + note: "'genericTake' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericTake +- warn: + lhs: + name: "Use 'group' from Relude" + note: "'group' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: group +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.inits + name: "Use 'inits' from Relude" + note: "'inits' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: inits +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.intercalate + name: "Use 'intercalate' from Relude" + note: "'intercalate' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: intercalate +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.intersperse + name: "Use 'intersperse' from Relude" + note: "'intersperse' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: intersperse +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.isPrefixOf + name: "Use 'isPrefixOf' from Relude" + note: "'isPrefixOf' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isPrefixOf +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.permutations + name: "Use 'permutations' from Relude" + note: "'permutations' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: permutations +- warn: + lhs: "Data.List.scanl'" + name: "Use 'scanl'' from Relude" + note: "'scanl'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "scanl'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.sort + name: "Use 'sort' from Relude" + note: "'sort' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sort +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.sortBy + name: "Use 'sortBy' from Relude" + note: "'sortBy' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sortBy +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.sortOn + name: "Use 'sortOn' from Relude" + note: "'sortOn' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sortOn +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.subsequences + name: "Use 'subsequences' from Relude" + note: "'subsequences' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: subsequences +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.tails + name: "Use 'tails' from Relude" + note: "'tails' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tails +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.transpose + name: "Use 'transpose' from Relude" + note: "'transpose' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: transpose +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.uncons + name: "Use 'uncons' from Relude" + note: "'uncons' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: uncons +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.unfoldr + name: "Use 'unfoldr' from Relude" + note: "'unfoldr' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: unfoldr +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.NonEmpty + name: "Use 'NonEmpty' from Relude" + note: "'NonEmpty' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: NonEmpty +- warn: + lhs: "(Data.List.NonEmpty.:|)" + name: "Use ':|' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(:|)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(:|)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.nonEmpty + name: "Use 'nonEmpty' from Relude" + note: "'nonEmpty' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: nonEmpty +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.head + name: "Use 'head' from Relude" + note: "'head' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: head +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.init + name: "Use 'init' from Relude" + note: "'init' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: init +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.last + name: "Use 'last' from Relude" + note: "'last' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: last +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.tail + name: "Use 'tail' from Relude" + note: "'tail' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tail +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Exts.sortWith + name: "Use 'sortWith' from Relude" + note: "'sortWith' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sortWith +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Except.ExceptT + name: "Use 'ExceptT' from Relude" + note: "'ExceptT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ExceptT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Except.runExceptT + name: "Use 'runExceptT' from Relude" + note: "'runExceptT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runExceptT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.MonadReader + name: "Use 'MonadReader' from Relude" + note: "'MonadReader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadReader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.Reader + name: "Use 'Reader' from Relude" + note: "'Reader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Reader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.ReaderT + name: "Use 'ReaderT' from Relude" + note: "'ReaderT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ReaderT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.runReaderT + name: "Use 'runReaderT' from Relude" + note: "'runReaderT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runReaderT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.ask + name: "Use 'ask' from Relude" + note: "'ask' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ask +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.asks + name: "Use 'asks' from Relude" + note: "'asks' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: asks +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.local + name: "Use 'local' from Relude" + note: "'local' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: local +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.reader + name: "Use 'reader' from Relude" + note: "'reader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: reader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.runReader + name: "Use 'runReader' from Relude" + note: "'runReader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runReader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.withReader + name: "Use 'withReader' from Relude" + note: "'withReader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withReader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.withReaderT + name: "Use 'withReaderT' from Relude" + note: "'withReaderT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withReaderT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.MonadState + name: "Use 'MonadState' from Relude" + note: "'MonadState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.State + name: "Use 'State' from Relude" + note: "'State' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: State +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.StateT + name: "Use 'StateT' from Relude" + note: "'StateT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: StateT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.runStateT + name: "Use 'runStateT' from Relude" + note: "'runStateT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runStateT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.evalState + name: "Use 'evalState' from Relude" + note: "'evalState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: evalState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.evalStateT + name: "Use 'evalStateT' from Relude" + note: "'evalStateT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: evalStateT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.execState + name: "Use 'execState' from Relude" + note: "'execState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: execState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.execStateT + name: "Use 'execStateT' from Relude" + note: "'execStateT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: execStateT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.get + name: "Use 'get' from Relude" + note: "'get' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: get +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.gets + name: "Use 'gets' from Relude" + note: "'gets' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: gets +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.modify + name: "Use 'modify' from Relude" + note: "'modify' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: modify +- warn: + lhs: "Control.Monad.State.Strict.modify'" + name: "Use 'modify'' from Relude" + note: "'modify'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "modify'" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.put + name: "Use 'put' from Relude" + note: "'put' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: put +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.runState + name: "Use 'runState' from Relude" + note: "'runState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.state + name: "Use 'state' from Relude" + note: "'state' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: state +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.withState + name: "Use 'withState' from Relude" + note: "'withState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.MonadIO + name: "Use 'MonadIO' from Relude" + note: "'MonadIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.MonadTrans + name: "Use 'MonadTrans' from Relude" + note: "'MonadTrans' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadTrans +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.lift + name: "Use 'lift' from Relude" + note: "'lift' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lift +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.liftIO + name: "Use 'liftIO' from Relude" + note: "'liftIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: liftIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Identity.IdentityT + name: "Use 'IdentityT' from Relude" + note: "'IdentityT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IdentityT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Identity.runIdentityT + name: "Use 'runIdentityT' from Relude" + note: "'runIdentityT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runIdentityT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.MaybeT + name: "Use 'MaybeT' from Relude" + note: "'MaybeT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MaybeT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.maybeToExceptT + name: "Use 'maybeToExceptT' from Relude" + note: "'maybeToExceptT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: maybeToExceptT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.exceptToMaybeT + name: "Use 'exceptToMaybeT' from Relude" + note: "'exceptToMaybeT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: exceptToMaybeT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.MonadPlus + name: "Use 'MonadPlus' from Relude" + note: "'MonadPlus' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadPlus +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.mzero + name: "Use 'mzero' from Relude" + note: "'mzero' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mzero +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.mplus + name: "Use 'mplus' from Relude" + note: "'mplus' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mplus +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.filterM + name: "Use 'filterM' from Relude" + note: "'filterM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: filterM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.forever + name: "Use 'forever' from Relude" + note: "'forever' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: forever +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.join + name: "Use 'join' from Relude" + note: "'join' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: join +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.mapAndUnzipM + name: "Use 'mapAndUnzipM' from Relude" + note: "'mapAndUnzipM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mapAndUnzipM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.mfilter + name: "Use 'mfilter' from Relude" + note: "'mfilter' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mfilter +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.replicateM + name: "Use 'replicateM' from Relude" + note: "'replicateM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: replicateM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.replicateM_ + name: "Use 'replicateM_' from Relude" + note: "'replicateM_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: replicateM_ +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.zipWithM + name: "Use 'zipWithM' from Relude" + note: "'zipWithM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: zipWithM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.zipWithM_ + name: "Use 'zipWithM_' from Relude" + note: "'zipWithM_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: zipWithM_ +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Monad.<$!>)" + name: "Use '<$!>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<$!>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<$!>)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Monad.<=<)" + name: "Use '<=<' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<=<)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<=<)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Monad.=<<)" + name: "Use '=<<' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(=<<)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(=<<)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Monad.>=>)" + name: "Use '>=>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(>=>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(>=>)" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Fail.MonadFail + name: "Use 'MonadFail' from Relude" + note: "'MonadFail' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadFail +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.catMaybes + name: "Use 'catMaybes' from Relude" + note: "'catMaybes' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: catMaybes +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.fromMaybe + name: "Use 'fromMaybe' from Relude" + note: "'fromMaybe' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromMaybe +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.isJust + name: "Use 'isJust' from Relude" + note: "'isJust' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isJust +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.isNothing + name: "Use 'isNothing' from Relude" + note: "'isNothing' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isNothing +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.listToMaybe + name: "Use 'listToMaybe' from Relude" + note: "'listToMaybe' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: listToMaybe +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.mapMaybe + name: "Use 'mapMaybe' from Relude" + note: "'mapMaybe' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mapMaybe +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.maybeToList + name: "Use 'maybeToList' from Relude" + note: "'maybeToList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: maybeToList +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.isLeft + name: "Use 'isLeft' from Relude" + note: "'isLeft' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isLeft +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.isRight + name: "Use 'isRight' from Relude" + note: "'isRight' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isRight +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.lefts + name: "Use 'lefts' from Relude" + note: "'lefts' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lefts +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.partitionEithers + name: "Use 'partitionEithers' from Relude" + note: "'partitionEithers' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: partitionEithers +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.rights + name: "Use 'rights' from Relude" + note: "'rights' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: rights +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.All + name: "Use 'All' from Relude" + note: "'All' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: All +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getAll + name: "Use 'getAll' from Relude" + note: "'getAll' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getAll +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Alt + name: "Use 'Alt' from Relude" + note: "'Alt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Alt +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getAlt + name: "Use 'getAlt' from Relude" + note: "'getAlt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getAlt +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Any + name: "Use 'Any' from Relude" + note: "'Any' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Any +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getAny + name: "Use 'getAny' from Relude" + note: "'getAny' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getAny +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Ap + name: "Use 'Ap' from Relude" + note: "'Ap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Ap +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getAp + name: "Use 'getAp' from Relude" + note: "'getAp' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getAp +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Dual + name: "Use 'Dual' from Relude" + note: "'Dual' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Dual +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getDual + name: "Use 'getDual' from Relude" + note: "'getDual' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getDual +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Endo + name: "Use 'Endo' from Relude" + note: "'Endo' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Endo +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.appEndo + name: "Use 'appEndo' from Relude" + note: "'appEndo' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: appEndo +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.First + name: "Use 'First' from Relude" + note: "'First' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: First +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getFirst + name: "Use 'getFirst' from Relude" + note: "'getFirst' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getFirst +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Last + name: "Use 'Last' from Relude" + note: "'Last' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Last +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getLast + name: "Use 'getLast' from Relude" + note: "'getLast' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getLast +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Product + name: "Use 'Product' from Relude" + note: "'Product' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Product +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getProduct + name: "Use 'getProduct' from Relude" + note: "'getProduct' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getProduct +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Sum + name: "Use 'Sum' from Relude" + note: "'Sum' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Sum +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getSum + name: "Use 'getSum' from Relude" + note: "'getSum' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getSum +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.Semigroup + name: "Use 'Semigroup' from Relude" + note: "'Semigroup' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Semigroup +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.sconcat + name: "Use 'sconcat' from Relude" + note: "'sconcat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sconcat +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimes + name: "Use 'stimes' from Relude" + note: "'stimes' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stimes +- warn: + lhs: "(Data.Semigroup.<>)" + name: "Use '<>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<>)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.WrappedMonoid + name: "Use 'WrappedMonoid' from Relude" + note: "'WrappedMonoid' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: WrappedMonoid +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.cycle1 + name: "Use 'cycle1' from Relude" + note: "'cycle1' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: cycle1 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.mtimesDefault + name: "Use 'mtimesDefault' from Relude" + note: "'mtimesDefault' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mtimesDefault +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesIdempotent + name: "Use 'stimesIdempotent' from Relude" + note: "'stimesIdempotent' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stimesIdempotent +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesIdempotentMonoid + name: "Use 'stimesIdempotentMonoid' from Relude" + note: "'stimesIdempotentMonoid' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stimesIdempotentMonoid +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesMonoid + name: "Use 'stimesMonoid' from Relude" + note: "'stimesMonoid' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stimesMonoid +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.ByteString + name: "Use 'ByteString' from Relude" + note: "'ByteString' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ByteString +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString + name: "Use 'ShortByteString' from Relude" + note: "'ShortByteString' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ShortByteString +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Short.toShort + name: "Use 'toShort' from Relude" + note: "'toShort' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: toShort +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Short.fromShort + name: "Use 'fromShort' from Relude" + note: "'fromShort' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromShort +- warn: + lhs: Data.String.IsString + name: "Use 'IsString' from Relude" + note: "'IsString' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IsString +- warn: + lhs: Data.String.fromString + name: "Use 'fromString' from Relude" + note: "'fromString' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromString +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Text + name: "Use 'Text' from Relude" + note: "'Text' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Text +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.lines + name: "Use 'lines' from Relude" + note: "'lines' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lines +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.unlines + name: "Use 'unlines' from Relude" + note: "'unlines' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: unlines +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.words + name: "Use 'words' from Relude" + note: "'words' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: words +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.unwords + name: "Use 'unwords' from Relude" + note: "'unwords' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: unwords +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8'" + name: "Use 'decodeUtf8'' from Relude" + note: "'decodeUtf8'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "decodeUtf8'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8With + name: "Use 'decodeUtf8With' from Relude" + note: "'decodeUtf8With' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: decodeUtf8With +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.OnDecodeError + name: "Use 'OnDecodeError' from Relude" + note: "'OnDecodeError' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: OnDecodeError +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.OnError + name: "Use 'OnError' from Relude" + note: "'OnError' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: OnError +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.UnicodeException + name: "Use 'UnicodeException' from Relude" + note: "'UnicodeException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: UnicodeException +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.lenientDecode + name: "Use 'lenientDecode' from Relude" + note: "'lenientDecode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lenientDecode +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.strictDecode + name: "Use 'strictDecode' from Relude" + note: "'strictDecode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: strictDecode +- warn: + lhs: Text.Read.Read + name: "Use 'Read' from Relude" + note: "'Read' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Read +- warn: + lhs: Text.Read.readMaybe + name: "Use 'readMaybe' from Relude" + note: "'readMaybe' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readMaybe +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newEmptyMVar ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newEmptyMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newEmptyMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putMVar x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (swapMVar x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'swapMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: swapMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (takeMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'takeMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: takeMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (tryPutMVar x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'tryPutMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: tryPutMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (tryReadMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'tryReadMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: tryReadMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (tryTakeMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'tryTakeMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: tryTakeMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (atomically x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'atomically' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: atomically +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newTVarIO x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newTVarIO' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newTVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readTVarIO x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readTVarIO' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readTVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newTMVarIO x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newTMVarIO' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newTMVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newEmptyTMVarIO ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newEmptyTMVarIO' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newEmptyTMVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (exitWith x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'exitWith' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: exitWith +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (exitFailure ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'exitFailure' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: exitFailure +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (exitSuccess ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'exitSuccess' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: exitSuccess +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (die x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'die' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: die +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFile x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFile' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFile +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFile x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFile' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFile +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFile x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFile' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFile +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFileText x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFileText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFileText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFileText x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFileText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFileText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFileText x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFileText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFileText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFileLText x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFileLText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFileLText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFileLText x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFileLText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFileLText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFileLText x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFileLText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFileLText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFileBS x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFileBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFileBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFileBS x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFileBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFileBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFileBS x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFileBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFileBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFileLBS x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFileLBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFileLBS x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFileLBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFileLBS x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFileLBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newIORef x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readIORef x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeIORef x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (modifyIORef x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'modifyIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: modifyIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (modifyIORef' x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'modifyIORef'' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: "modifyIORef'" +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (atomicModifyIORef x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'atomicModifyIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: atomicModifyIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (atomicModifyIORef' x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'atomicModifyIORef'' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: "atomicModifyIORef'" +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (atomicWriteIORef x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'atomicWriteIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: atomicWriteIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (getLine ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'getLine' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: getLine +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (print x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'print' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: print +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putStr x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putStr' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putStr +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putStrLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putStrLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putStrLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putText x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putTextLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putTextLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putTextLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putLText x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putLText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putLText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putLTextLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putLTextLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putLTextLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putBS x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putBSLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putBSLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putBSLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putLBS x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putLBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putLBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putLBSLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putLBSLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putLBSLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (hFlush x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'hFlush' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: hFlush +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (hIsEOF x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'hIsEOF' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: hIsEOF +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (hSetBuffering x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'hSetBuffering' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: hSetBuffering +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (hGetBuffering x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'hGetBuffering' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: hGetBuffering +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (getArgs ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'getArgs' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: getArgs +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (lookupEnv x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'lookupEnv' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: lookupEnv +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (bimap f g)" + note: "Use `bimapF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: bimapF f g +- hint: + lhs: "bimap f g <$> x" + note: "Use `bimapF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: bimapF f g x +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (first f)" + note: "Use `firstF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: firstF f +- hint: + lhs: fmap . first + note: "Use `firstF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: firstF +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (second f)" + note: "Use `secondF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: secondF f +- hint: + lhs: fmap . second + note: "Use `secondF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: secondF +- hint: + lhs: "[minBound .. maxBound]" + note: "Use `universe` from `Relude.Extra.Enum`" + rhs: universe +- hint: + lhs: succ + note: "`succ` from `Prelude` is a pure function but it may throw exception. Consider using `next` from `Relude.Extra.Enum` instead." + rhs: next +- hint: + lhs: pred + note: "`pred` from `Prelude` is a pure function but it may throw exception. Consider using `prev` from `Relude.Extra.Enum` instead." + rhs: prev +- hint: + lhs: toEnum + note: "`toEnum` from `Prelude` is a pure function but it may throw exception. Consider using `safeToEnum` from `Relude.Extra.Enum` instead." + rhs: safeToEnum +- hint: + lhs: sum xs / length xs + note: "Use `average` from `Relude.Extra.Foldable`" + rhs: average xs +- hint: + lhs: "\\a -> (a, a)" + note: "Use `dup` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: dup +- hint: + lhs: "\\a -> (f a, a)" + note: "Use `toFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: toFst f +- hint: + lhs: "\\a -> (a, f a)" + note: "Use `toSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: toSnd f +- hint: + lhs: fmap . toFst + note: "Use `fmapToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToFst +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (toFst f)" + note: "Use `fmapToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToFst f +- hint: + lhs: fmap . toSnd + note: "Use `fmapToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToSnd +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (toSnd f)" + note: "Use `fmapToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToSnd f +- hint: + lhs: map . toFst + note: "Use `fmapToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToFst +- hint: + lhs: "map (toFst f)" + note: "Use `fmapToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToFst f +- hint: + lhs: map . toSnd + note: "Use `fmapToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToSnd +- hint: + lhs: "map (toSnd f)" + note: "Use `fmapToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToSnd f +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (,a) (f a)" + note: "Use `traverseToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToFst f a +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (flip (,) a) (f a)" + note: "Use `traverseToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToFst f a +- hint: + lhs: "(,a) <$> f a" + note: "Use `traverseToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToFst f a +- hint: + lhs: "flip (,) a <$> f a" + note: "Use `traverseToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToFst f a +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (a,) (f a)" + note: "Use `traverseToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToSnd f a +- hint: + lhs: "fmap ((,) a) (f a)" + note: "Use `traverseToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToSnd f a +- hint: + lhs: "(a,) <$> f a" + note: "Use `traverseToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToSnd f a +- hint: + lhs: "(,) a <$> f a" + note: "Use `traverseToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToSnd f a diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e15754b --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2022 Jasmine Marie Wilson + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a540176 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# xmonad-config + +Get a Haskell development environment up and running quickly. Thanks to Nix, this template is optimized for a fully reproducible and friendly development environment. It is based on: + +- [Nix]( + [Flakes]( (via [`github:srid/haskell-flake`]( + GHC 9.6 +- VSCode + [HLS]( +- [fourmolu]( autoformatting +- [Relude]( as Prelude. + - `.hlint.yaml` is [from relude]( +- Devshell commands are provided via [just](; run `just` in devshell. + +If you have an *existing* Haskell project, you should probably use instead. + +## Getting Started + +Initialize this template using: + +```sh +nix --accept-flake-config run github:juspay/omnix -- \ + init github:srid/xmonad-config -o ./yourproject +``` + +*tldr: [Install Nix](, [setup direnv](, open in VSCode, install recommended extensions and run `just run`.* + +Full instructions: + +Recommended dev environment setup: + +## Tips + +- Run `nix flake update` to update all flake inputs. +- Run `nix --accept-flake-config run github:juspay/omnix ci` to build _all_ outputs. +- [pre-commit] hooks will automatically be setup in Nix shell. You can also run `pre-commit run -a` manually to run the hooks (e.g.: to autoformat the project tree using fourmolu, nixpkgs-fmt, etc. as well run programs like hlint). The hooks will checked as part of flake checks (thus CI). +- Run `just docs` to start Hoogle with packages in your cabal file. +- Run the application without installing: `nix run github:srid/xmonad-config` (or `nix run .` from checkout) +- Common workflows + - Adding library dependencies in Nix: + - Adding tests: + +## Discussions + +Questions? Ideas? Suggestions? Join our [NixOS Zulip]( or post in [Github Discussions]( + +[pre-commit]: diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1061360 --- /dev/null +++ b/flake.lock @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +{ + "nodes": { + "flake-parts": { + "inputs": { + "nixpkgs-lib": [ + "nixpkgs" + ] + }, + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1738453229, + "narHash": "sha256-7H9XgNiGLKN1G1CgRh0vUL4AheZSYzPm+zmZ7vxbJdo=", + "owner": "hercules-ci", + "repo": "flake-parts", + "rev": "32ea77a06711b758da0ad9bd6a844c5740a87abd", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "hercules-ci", + "repo": "flake-parts", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "fourmolu-nix": { + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1707266073, + "narHash": "sha256-tCFzZQJicDdYjnuJiNK4hiiRAH7c2wQzMhOCdUMbVKE=", + "owner": "jedimahdi", + "repo": "fourmolu-nix", + "rev": "717f5a91b0d7b97b1be7ecc3a0fd42d37ffe1c9b", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "jedimahdi", + "repo": "fourmolu-nix", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "git-hooks": { + "flake": false, + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1737465171, + "narHash": "sha256-R10v2hoJRLq8jcL4syVFag7nIGE7m13qO48wRIukWNg=", + "owner": "cachix", + "repo": "git-hooks.nix", + "rev": "9364dc02281ce2d37a1f55b6e51f7c0f65a75f17", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "cachix", + "repo": "git-hooks.nix", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "haskell-flake": { + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1738519333, + "narHash": "sha256-QK7DIUmUC76cEBlntkDyBrhrZMD5fioCT2Xd6RbA8a8=", + "owner": "srid", + "repo": "haskell-flake", + "rev": "dcca937807b7190934118ae476865301885aef15", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "srid", + "repo": "haskell-flake", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "nixos-unified": { + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1738770348, + "narHash": "sha256-PQYCNoZ0QvaX8kmMVTaPn8z+EDPsl0tZG3+o0Z1+9CM=", + "owner": "srid", + "repo": "nixos-unified", + "rev": "be4ce51cae1dda99e8fd57036215b19ef37bd7fd", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "srid", + "repo": "nixos-unified", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "nixpkgs": { + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1738734093, + "narHash": "sha256-UEYOKfXXKU49fR7dGB05As0s2pGbLK4xDo48Qtdm7xs=", + "owner": "nixos", + "repo": "nixpkgs", + "rev": "5b2753b0356d1c951d7a3ef1d086ba5a71fff43c", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "nixos", + "ref": "nixpkgs-unstable", + "repo": "nixpkgs", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "root": { + "inputs": { + "flake-parts": "flake-parts", + "fourmolu-nix": "fourmolu-nix", + "git-hooks": "git-hooks", + "haskell-flake": "haskell-flake", + "nixos-unified": "nixos-unified", + "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs" + } + } + }, + "root": "root", + "version": 7 +} diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16f93ff --- /dev/null +++ b/flake.nix @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + description = "Nix template for Haskell projects"; + inputs = { + nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; + flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts"; + flake-parts.inputs.nixpkgs-lib.follows = "nixpkgs"; + nixos-unified.url = "github:srid/nixos-unified"; + haskell-flake.url = "github:srid/haskell-flake"; + fourmolu-nix.url = "github:jedimahdi/fourmolu-nix"; + + git-hooks.url = "github:cachix/git-hooks.nix"; + git-hooks.flake = false; + }; + + outputs = inputs: + # This will import ./nix/modules/flake/*.nix + # cf. + # + # To write your own Nix, add or edit files in ./nix/modules/flake/ + inputs.nixos-unified.lib.mkFlake + { inherit inputs; root = ./.; }; +} diff --git a/hie.yaml b/hie.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04cd243 --- /dev/null +++ b/hie.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +cradle: + cabal: diff --git a/justfile b/justfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb3dc68 --- /dev/null +++ b/justfile @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +default: + @just --list + +# Run hoogle +docs: + echo + hoogle serve -p 8888 --local + +# Run cabal repl +repl *ARGS: + cabal repl {{ ARGS }} + +# Run ghcid -- auto-recompile and run `main` function +run: + ghcid -T :main diff --git a/nix/modules/flake/devshell.nix b/nix/modules/flake/devshell.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c24847 --- /dev/null +++ b/nix/modules/flake/devshell.nix @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + perSystem = { config, pkgs, ... }: { + # Default shell. + devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell { + name = "xmonad-config"; + meta.description = "Haskell development environment"; + # See + inputsFrom = [ + config.haskellProjects.default.outputs.devShell # See ./nix/modules/haskell.nix + config.pre-commit.devShell # See ./nix/modules/formatter.nix + ]; + packages = with pkgs; [ + just + nixd + ghciwatch + ]; + }; + }; +} diff --git a/nix/modules/flake/haskell.nix b/nix/modules/flake/haskell.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce71276 --- /dev/null +++ b/nix/modules/flake/haskell.nix @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +{ root, inputs, ... }: +{ + imports = [ + inputs.haskell-flake.flakeModule + ]; + perSystem = { self', lib, config, pkgs, ... }: { + # Our only Haskell project. You can have multiple projects, but this template + # has only one. + # See + haskellProjects.default = { + # To avoid unnecessary rebuilds, we filter projectRoot: + # + projectRoot = builtins.toString (lib.fileset.toSource { + inherit root; + fileset = lib.fileset.unions [ + (root + /src) + (root + /xmonad-config.cabal) + (root + /LICENSE) + (root + / + ]; + }); + + # The base package set (this value is the default) + # basePackages = pkgs.haskellPackages; + + # Packages to add on top of `basePackages` + packages = { + # Add source or Hackage overrides here + # (Local packages are added automatically) + /* + aeson.source = "" # Hackage version + shower.source = inputs.shower; # Flake input + */ + }; + + # Add your package overrides here + settings = { + xmonad-config = { + stan = true; + # haddock = false; + }; + /* + aeson = { + check = false; + }; + */ + }; + + # Development shell configuration + devShell = { + hlsCheck.enable = false; + }; + + # What should haskell-flake add to flake outputs? + autoWire = [ "packages" "apps" "checks" ]; # Wire all but the devShell + }; + + # Default package & app. + packages.default = self'.packages.xmonad-config; + apps.default = self'.apps.xmonad-config; + }; +} diff --git a/nix/modules/flake/pre-commit.nix b/nix/modules/flake/pre-commit.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..340ca8f --- /dev/null +++ b/nix/modules/flake/pre-commit.nix @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +{ inputs, ... }: +{ + imports = [ + (inputs.git-hooks + /flake-module.nix) + inputs.fourmolu-nix.flakeModule + ]; + perSystem = { config, ... }: { + pre-commit.settings = { + hooks = { + nixpkgs-fmt.enable = true; + cabal-fmt.enable = true; + fourmolu = { + enable = true; + package = config.fourmolu.wrapper; + }; + hlint.enable = true; + }; + }; + + fourmolu.settings = { + indentation = 2; + comma-style = "leading"; + record-brace-space = true; + indent-wheres = true; + import-export-style = "diff-friendly"; + respectful = true; + haddock-style = "multi-line"; + newlines-between-decls = 1; + extensions = [ "ImportQualifiedPost" ]; + }; + }; +} diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5fe8ef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Main.hs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +module Main where + +import Main.Utf8 qualified as Utf8 + +data Example = Example + { name :: Text + , age :: Int + } + deriving stock (Show, Eq) + +{- | + Main entry point. + + `just run` will invoke this function. +-} +main :: IO () +main = do + -- For withUtf8, see + Utf8.withUtf8 $ do + putTextLn "Hello 🌎 (from xmonad-config)" diff --git a/xmonad-config.cabal b/xmonad-config.cabal new file mode 100644 index 0000000..150ec18 --- /dev/null +++ b/xmonad-config.cabal @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +cabal-version: 2.4 +name: xmonad-config +version: +license: MIT +copyright: 2022 Jasmine Marie Wilson +maintainer: +author: Jasmine Marie Wilson +category: Web +homepage: + +-- TODO: Before hackage release. +-- A short (one-line) description of the package. +synopsis: A template for Haskell projects using Nix + +-- A longer description of the package. +-- description: + +-- A URL where users can report bugs. +-- bug-reports: + +extra-source-files: + LICENSE + + +common shared + ghc-options: + -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns + -Wmissing-deriving-strategies -Wunused-foralls -Wunused-foralls + -fprint-explicit-foralls -fprint-explicit-kinds + + mixins: + base hiding (Prelude), + relude (Relude as Prelude, Relude.Container.One), + relude + + default-extensions: + DataKinds + DerivingStrategies + DerivingVia + LambdaCase + MultiWayIf + NoStarIsType + OverloadedStrings + StrictData + TypeFamilies + ViewPatterns + + build-depends: + , aeson + , async + , base >=4 && <5 + , data-default + , directory + , filepath + , mtl + , optics-core + , profunctors + , relude >=1.0 + , shower + , time + , with-utf8 + + hs-source-dirs: src + default-language: GHC2021 + +executable xmonad-config + import: shared + main-is: Main.hs