commit 3857b5dfa338e9bdcc5894fbb8f9ac1ea4e0ad16 Author: jasmine Date: Thu Feb 20 13:43:07 2025 +0800 chore: initialize project template diff --git a/.envrc b/.envrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f979923 --- /dev/null +++ b/.envrc @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +watch_file *.cabal nix/modules/flake-parts/*.nix +use flake diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af4fe8b --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +flake.lock linguist-generated=true diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76646ea --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# cabal +dist +dist-* +cabal.project.local +cabal.project.local~ + +# nix +result +result-* + +# direnv +.direnv + +/.pre-commit-config.yaml diff --git a/.hlint.yaml b/.hlint.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d2cfe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.hlint.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3293 @@ +# Repo-specific hlint rules go here: +- ignore: { name: Use camelCase } + +# Relude's .hlint.yaml goes here: +# +- arguments: + - "-XConstraintKinds" + - "-XDeriveGeneric" + - "-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving" + - "-XLambdaCase" + - "-XOverloadedStrings" + - "-XRecordWildCards" + - "-XScopedTypeVariables" + - "-XStandaloneDeriving" + - "-XTupleSections" + - "-XTypeApplications" + - "-XViewPatterns" +- ignore: + name: Use head +- ignore: + name: Use Foldable.forM_ +- hint: + lhs: "pure ()" + note: "Use 'pass'" + rhs: pass +- hint: + lhs: "return ()" + note: "Use 'pass'" + rhs: pass +- hint: + lhs: "(: [])" + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: "(:| [])" + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Sequence.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Text.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.ByteString.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Map.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Map.Strict.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.HashMap.Strict.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.HashMap.Lazy.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.IntMap.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.Set.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.HashSet.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- hint: + lhs: Data.IntSet.singleton + note: "Use `one`" + rhs: one +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.evaluate + rhs: evaluateWHNF +- warn: + lhs: "Control.Exception.evaluate (force x)" + rhs: evaluateNF x +- warn: + lhs: "Control.Exception.evaluate (x `deepseq` ())" + rhs: evaluateNF_ x +- warn: + lhs: "void (evaluateWHNF x)" + rhs: evaluateWHNF_ x +- warn: + lhs: "void (evaluateNF x)" + rhs: evaluateNF_ x +- hint: + lhs: Control.Exception.throw + note: "Use 'impureThrow'" + rhs: impureThrow +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.readFile + rhs: readFileText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.writeFile + rhs: writeFileText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.appendFile + rhs: appendFileText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.readFile + rhs: readFileLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.writeFile + rhs: writeFileLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.appendFile + rhs: appendFileLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.readFile + rhs: readFileBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.writeFile + rhs: writeFileBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.appendFile + rhs: appendFileBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.readFile + rhs: readFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.writeFile + rhs: writeFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.appendFile + rhs: appendFileLBS +- hint: + lhs: "foldl' (flip f)" + note: "Use 'flipfoldl''" + rhs: "flipfoldl' f" +- warn: + lhs: "foldl' (+) 0" + rhs: sum +- warn: + lhs: "foldl' (*) 1" + rhs: product +- hint: + lhs: "fmap and (sequence s)" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: andM s +- hint: + lhs: "and <$> sequence s" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: andM s +- hint: + lhs: "fmap or (sequence s)" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: orM s +- hint: + lhs: "or <$> sequence s" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: orM s +- hint: + lhs: "fmap and (mapM f s)" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: allM f s +- hint: + lhs: "and <$> mapM f s" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: allM f s +- hint: + lhs: "fmap or (mapM f s)" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: anyM f s +- hint: + lhs: "or <$> mapM f s" + note: Applying this hint would mean that some actions that were being executed previously would no longer be executed. + rhs: anyM f s +- warn: + lhs: "getAlt (foldMap (Alt . f) xs)" + rhs: asumMap xs +- warn: + lhs: "getAlt . foldMap (Alt . f)" + rhs: asumMap +- hint: + lhs: "foldr (\\x acc -> f x <|> acc) empty" + note: "Use 'asumMap'" + rhs: asumMap f +- hint: + lhs: "asum (map f xs)" + note: "Use 'asumMap'" + rhs: asumMap f xs +- warn: + lhs: "map fst &&& map snd" + rhs: unzip +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (fmap f) x" + note: "Use '(<<$>>)'" + rhs: "f <<$>> x" +- hint: + lhs: "(\\f -> f x) <$> ff" + note: Use flap operator + rhs: "ff ?? x" +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (\\f -> f x) ff" + note: Use flap operator + rhs: "ff ?? x" +- hint: + lhs: "fmap ($ x) ff" + note: Use flap operator + rhs: "ff ?? x" +- hint: + lhs: "($ x) <$> ff" + note: Use flap operator + rhs: "ff ?? x" +- warn: + lhs: "fmap f (nonEmpty x)" + rhs: viaNonEmpty f x +- warn: + lhs: fmap f . nonEmpty + rhs: viaNonEmpty f +- warn: + lhs: "f <$> nonEmpty x" + rhs: viaNonEmpty f x +- warn: + lhs: partitionEithers . map f + rhs: partitionWith f +- warn: + lhs: partitionEithers $ map f x + rhs: partitionWith f x +- warn: + lhs: "f >>= guard" + rhs: guardM f +- warn: + lhs: guard =<< f + rhs: guardM f +- warn: + lhs: forever + note: "'forever' is loosely typed and may hide errors" + rhs: infinitely +- warn: + lhs: "whenM (not <$> x)" + rhs: unlessM x +- warn: + lhs: "unlessM (not <$> x)" + rhs: whenM x +- warn: + lhs: "either (const True) (const False)" + rhs: isLeft +- warn: + lhs: "either (const False) (const True)" + rhs: isRight +- warn: + lhs: "either id (const a)" + rhs: fromLeft a +- warn: + lhs: "either (const b) id" + rhs: fromRight b +- warn: + lhs: "either Just (const Nothing)" + rhs: leftToMaybe +- warn: + lhs: "either (const Nothing) Just" + rhs: rightToMaybe +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (Left l) Right" + rhs: maybeToRight l +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (Right r) Left" + rhs: maybeToLeft r +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pure ()" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> return ()" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pass" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> pure () ; Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> return (); Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> pass ; Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (pure ()) f m" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (return ()) f m" + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: maybe pass f m + rhs: whenJust m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenJust a f" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pure ()" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> return ()" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just x -> f x; Nothing -> pass" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> pure () ; Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> return (); Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> pass ; Just x -> f x" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (pure ()) f =<< m" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "maybe (return ()) f =<< m" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: maybe pass f =<< m + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe (pure ()) f" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe (return ()) f" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe pass f" + rhs: whenJustM m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just _ -> pure () ; Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just _ -> return (); Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Just _ -> pass ; Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pass" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> pure () ) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> return () ) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> pass ) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const (pure () )) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const (return ())) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const pass) m" + rhs: whenNothing_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenNothing_ a x" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just _ -> pure () ; Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just _ -> return (); Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Just _ -> pass ; Nothing -> x" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Nothing -> x; Just _ -> pass" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> pure () ) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> return () ) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (\\_ -> pass ) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const (pure () )) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const (return ())) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "maybe x (const pass) =<< m" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (\\_ -> pure ())" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (\\_ -> return ())" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (\\_ -> pass)" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (const (pure ()) )" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (const (return ()))" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= maybe x (const pass)" + rhs: whenNothingM_ m x +- warn: + lhs: "whenLeft ()" + rhs: whenLeft_ +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pass" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> pure () ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> return (); Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> pass ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pure () ) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> return () ) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pass ) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (pure () )) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (return ())) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const pass) m" + rhs: whenLeft_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenLeft_ a f" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pass" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> pure () ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> return (); Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> pass ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pure () ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> return () ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pass ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (pure () )) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (return ())) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const pass) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> pure ())" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> return ())" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> pass)" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const (pure ()) )" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const (return ()))" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const pass)" + rhs: whenLeftM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "whenRight ()" + rhs: whenRight_ +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure ()" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pass" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> pure () ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> return (); Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> pass ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pure () ) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> return () ) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pass ) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (pure () )) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (return ())) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const pass) f m" + rhs: whenRight_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenRight_ a f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure () " + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return ()" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pass" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> pure () ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> return (); Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> pass ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pure () ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> return () ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pass ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (pure () )) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (return ())) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const pass) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> pure ()) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> return ()) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> pass) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const (pure ()) ) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const (return ())) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const pass) f" + rhs: whenRightM_ m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure d " + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return d" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> pure d ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right _ -> return d; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pure d ) m" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> return d ) m" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (pure d )) m" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (return d)) m" + rhs: whenLeft d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenLeft d a f" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> pure d" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left x -> f x; Right _ -> return d" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> pure d ; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right _ -> return d; Left x -> f x" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> pure d ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (\\_ -> return d ) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (pure d )) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either f (const (return d)) =<< m" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> pure d)" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (\\_ -> return d)" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const (pure d))" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either f (const (return d))" + rhs: whenLeftM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure d" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return d" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> pure d ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of Left _ -> return d; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pure d ) f m" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> return d ) f m" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (pure d )) f m" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (return d)) f m" + rhs: whenRight d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\a -> whenRight d a f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> pure d" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Right x -> f x; Left _ -> return d" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> pure d ; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case Left _ -> return d; Right x -> f x" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> pure d ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (\\_ -> return d ) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (pure d )) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "either (const (return d)) f =<< m" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> pure d) f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (\\_ -> return d) f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const (pure d) ) f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= either (const (return d)) f" + rhs: whenRightM d m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of [] -> return (); (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of [] -> pure () ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of [] -> pass ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> return ()" + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pure () " + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "case m of (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pass " + rhs: whenNotNull m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> pass ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> pure () ; (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case [] -> return (); (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs)" + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pass " + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> pure () " + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: "m >>= \\case (x:xs) -> f (x :| xs); [] -> return ()" + rhs: whenNotNullM m f +- warn: + lhs: mapMaybe leftToMaybe + rhs: lefts +- warn: + lhs: mapMaybe rightToMaybe + rhs: rights +- warn: + lhs: flip runReaderT + rhs: usingReaderT +- warn: + lhs: flip runReader + rhs: usingReader +- warn: + lhs: flip runStateT + rhs: usingStateT +- warn: + lhs: flip runState + rhs: usingState +- warn: + lhs: "fst <$> usingStateT s st" + rhs: evaluatingStateT s st +- warn: + lhs: "fst (usingState s st)" + rhs: evaluatingState s st +- warn: + lhs: "snd <$> usingStateT s st" + rhs: executingStateT s st +- warn: + lhs: "snd (usingState s st)" + rhs: executingState s st +- warn: + lhs: "MaybeT (pure m)" + rhs: hoistMaybe m +- warn: + lhs: "MaybeT (return m)" + rhs: hoistMaybe m +- warn: + lhs: MaybeT . pure + rhs: hoistMaybe +- warn: + lhs: MaybeT . return + rhs: hoistMaybe +- warn: + lhs: "ExceptT (pure m)" + rhs: hoistEither m +- warn: + lhs: "ExceptT (return m)" + rhs: hoistEither m +- warn: + lhs: ExceptT . pure + rhs: hoistEither +- warn: + lhs: ExceptT . return + rhs: hoistEither +- warn: + lhs: fromMaybe mempty + rhs: maybeToMonoid +- warn: + lhs: "m ?: mempty" + rhs: maybeToMonoid m +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Map.toAscList (Data.Map.fromList x)" + rhs: sortWith fst x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Map.toDescList (Data.Map.fromList x)" + rhs: "sortWith (Down . fst) x" +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Set.toList (Data.Set.fromList l)" + rhs: sortNub l +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Set.assocs (Data.Set.fromList l)" + rhs: sortNub l +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Set.toAscList (Data.Set.fromList l)" + rhs: sortNub l +- warn: + lhs: "Data.HashSet.toList (Data.HashSet.fromList l)" + rhs: unstableNub l +- warn: + lhs: nub + note: "'nub' is O(n^2), 'ordNub' is O(n log n)" + rhs: ordNub +- warn: + lhs: "sortBy (comparing f)" + note: "If the function you are using for 'comparing' is slow, use 'sortOn' instead of 'sortWith', because 'sortOn' caches applications the function and 'sortWith' doesn't." + rhs: sortWith f +- warn: + lhs: sortOn fst + note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" + rhs: sortWith fst +- warn: + lhs: sortOn snd + note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" + rhs: sortWith snd +- warn: + lhs: "sortOn (Down . fst)" + note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" + rhs: "sortWith (Down . fst)" +- warn: + lhs: "sortOn (Down . snd)" + note: "'sortWith' will be faster here because it doesn't do caching" + rhs: "sortWith (Down . snd)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.putStr + rhs: putText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.putStrLn + rhs: putTextLn +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.putStr + rhs: putLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.IO.putStrLn + rhs: putLTextLn +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Char8.putStr + rhs: putBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Char8.putStrLn + rhs: putBSLn +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStr + rhs: putLBS +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStrLn + rhs: putLBSLn +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.Text + rhs: LText +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString + rhs: LByteString +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.UTF8.fromString + rhs: encodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.UTF8.toString + rhs: decodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 + rhs: encodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 + rhs: decodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: "Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict (encodeUtf8 x)" + rhs: encodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "toStrict (encodeUtf8 x)" + rhs: encodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "decodeUtf8 (Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "decodeUtf8 (fromStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8.fromString + rhs: encodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8.toString + rhs: decodeUtf8 +- warn: + lhs: "Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict (Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 x)" + rhs: encodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict (encodeUtf8 x)" + rhs: encodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 (Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 (toStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "decodeUtf8 (Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: "decodeUtf8 (toStrict x)" + rhs: decodeUtf8 x +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.pack + rhs: toText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.unpack + rhs: toString +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.pack + rhs: toLText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.unpack + rhs: toString +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict + rhs: toText +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict + rhs: toLText +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.pack (show x)" + rhs: show x +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.Lazy.pack (show x)" + rhs: show x +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict + rhs: fromStrict +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict + rhs: toStrict +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict + rhs: fromStrict +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict + rhs: toStrict +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.Alternative + name: "Use 'Alternative' from Relude" + note: "'Alternative' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Alternative +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.empty + name: "Use 'empty' from Relude" + note: "'empty' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: empty +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Applicative.<|>)" + name: "Use '<|>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<|>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<|>)" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.some + name: "Use 'some' from Relude" + note: "'some' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: some +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.many + name: "Use 'many' from Relude" + note: "'many' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: many +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.Const + name: "Use 'Const' from Relude" + note: "'Const' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Const +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.getConst + name: "Use 'getConst' from Relude" + note: "'getConst' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getConst +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.ZipList + name: "Use 'ZipList' from Relude" + note: "'ZipList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ZipList +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.getZipList + name: "Use 'getZipList' from Relude" + note: "'getZipList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getZipList +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.liftA2 + name: "Use 'liftA2' from Relude" + note: "'liftA2' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: liftA2 +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.liftA3 + name: "Use 'liftA3' from Relude" + note: "'liftA3' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: liftA3 +- warn: + lhs: Control.Applicative.optional + name: "Use 'optional' from Relude" + note: "'optional' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: optional +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Applicative.<**>)" + name: "Use '<**>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<**>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<**>)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bits.xor + name: "Use 'xor' from Relude" + note: "'xor' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: xor +- warn: + lhs: Data.Char.chr + name: "Use 'chr' from Relude" + note: "'chr' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: chr +- warn: + lhs: Data.Int.Int8 + name: "Use 'Int8' from Relude" + note: "'Int8' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Int8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Int.Int16 + name: "Use 'Int16' from Relude" + note: "'Int16' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Int16 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Int.Int32 + name: "Use 'Int32' from Relude" + note: "'Int32' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Int32 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Int.Int64 + name: "Use 'Int64' from Relude" + note: "'Int64' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Int64 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.Word8 + name: "Use 'Word8' from Relude" + note: "'Word8' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Word8 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.Word16 + name: "Use 'Word16' from Relude" + note: "'Word16' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Word16 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.Word32 + name: "Use 'Word32' from Relude" + note: "'Word32' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Word32 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.Word64 + name: "Use 'Word64' from Relude" + note: "'Word64' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Word64 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap16 + name: "Use 'byteSwap16' from Relude" + note: "'byteSwap16' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: byteSwap16 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap32 + name: "Use 'byteSwap32' from Relude" + note: "'byteSwap32' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: byteSwap32 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Word.byteSwap64 + name: "Use 'byteSwap64' from Relude" + note: "'byteSwap64' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: byteSwap64 +- warn: + lhs: Numeric.Natural.Natural + name: "Use 'Natural' from Relude" + note: "'Natural' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Natural +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.IOMode + name: "Use 'IOMode' from Relude" + note: "'IOMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IOMode +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.ReadMode + name: "Use 'ReadMode' from Relude" + note: "'ReadMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ReadMode +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.WriteMode + name: "Use 'WriteMode' from Relude" + note: "'WriteMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: WriteMode +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.AppendMode + name: "Use 'AppendMode' from Relude" + note: "'AppendMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: AppendMode +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.ReadWriteMode + name: "Use 'ReadWriteMode' from Relude" + note: "'ReadWriteMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ReadWriteMode +- warn: + lhs: Data.Ord.Down + name: "Use 'Down' from Relude" + note: "'Down' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Down +- warn: + lhs: Data.Ord.comparing + name: "Use 'comparing' from Relude" + note: "'comparing' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: comparing +- warn: + lhs: Data.Coerce.Coercible + name: "Use 'Coercible' from Relude" + note: "'Coercible' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Coercible +- warn: + lhs: Data.Coerce.coerce + name: "Use 'coerce' from Relude" + note: "'coerce' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: coerce +- warn: + lhs: Data.Kind.Constraint + name: "Use 'Constraint' from Relude" + note: "'Constraint' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Constraint +- warn: + lhs: Data.Kind.Type + name: "Use 'Type' from Relude" + note: "'Type' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Type +- warn: + lhs: Data.Typeable.Typeable + name: "Use 'Typeable' from Relude" + note: "'Typeable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Typeable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Proxy.Proxy + name: "Use 'Proxy' from Relude" + note: "'Proxy' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Proxy +- warn: + lhs: Data.Typeable.Typeable + name: "Use 'Typeable' from Relude" + note: "'Typeable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Typeable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Void.Void + name: "Use 'Void' from Relude" + note: "'Void' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Void +- warn: + lhs: Data.Void.absurd + name: "Use 'absurd' from Relude" + note: "'absurd' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: absurd +- warn: + lhs: Data.Void.vacuous + name: "Use 'vacuous' from Relude" + note: "'vacuous' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: vacuous +- warn: + lhs: Data.Base.maxInt + name: "Use 'maxInt' from Relude" + note: "'maxInt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: maxInt +- warn: + lhs: Data.Base.minInt + name: "Use 'minInt' from Relude" + note: "'minInt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: minInt +- warn: + lhs: Data.Base.ord + name: "Use 'ord' from Relude" + note: "'ord' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ord +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Enum.boundedEnumFrom + name: "Use 'boundedEnumFrom' from Relude" + note: "'boundedEnumFrom' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: boundedEnumFrom +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Enum.boundedEnumFromThen + name: "Use 'boundedEnumFromThen' from Relude" + note: "'boundedEnumFromThen' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: boundedEnumFromThen +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Generics.Generic + name: "Use 'Generic' from Relude" + note: "'Generic' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Generic +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Real.Ratio + name: "Use 'Ratio' from Relude" + note: "'Ratio' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Ratio +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Real.Rational + name: "Use 'Rational' from Relude" + note: "'Rational' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Rational +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Real.denominator + name: "Use 'denominator' from Relude" + note: "'denominator' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: denominator +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Real.numerator + name: "Use 'numerator' from Relude" + note: "'numerator' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: numerator +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.CmpNat + name: "Use 'CmpNat' from Relude" + note: "'CmpNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: CmpNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.KnownNat + name: "Use 'KnownNat' from Relude" + note: "'KnownNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: KnownNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.Nat + name: "Use 'Nat' from Relude" + note: "'Nat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Nat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.SomeNat + name: "Use 'SomeNat' from Relude" + note: "'SomeNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: SomeNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.natVal + name: "Use 'natVal' from Relude" + note: "'natVal' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: natVal +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeNats.someNatVal + name: "Use 'someNatVal' from Relude" + note: "'someNatVal' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: someNatVal +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.CmpNat + name: "Use 'CmpNat' from Relude" + note: "'CmpNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: CmpNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat + name: "Use 'KnownNat' from Relude" + note: "'KnownNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: KnownNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.Nat + name: "Use 'Nat' from Relude" + note: "'Nat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Nat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.SomeNat + name: "Use 'SomeNat' from Relude" + note: "'SomeNat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: SomeNat +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.natVal + name: "Use 'natVal' from Relude" + note: "'natVal' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: natVal +- warn: + lhs: GHC.TypeLits.someNatVal + name: "Use 'someNatVal' from Relude" + note: "'someNatVal' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: someNatVal +- warn: + lhs: GHC.ExecutionStack.getStackTrace + name: "Use 'getStackTrace' from Relude" + note: "'getStackTrace' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getStackTrace +- warn: + lhs: GHC.ExecutionStack.showStackTrace + name: "Use 'showStackTrace' from Relude" + note: "'showStackTrace' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: showStackTrace +- warn: + lhs: GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel + name: "Use 'IsLabel' from Relude" + note: "'IsLabel' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IsLabel +- warn: + lhs: GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel + name: "Use 'fromLabel' from Relude" + note: "'fromLabel' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromLabel +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.CallStack + name: "Use 'CallStack' from Relude" + note: "'CallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: CallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.HasCallStack + name: "Use 'HasCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'HasCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: HasCallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.callStack + name: "Use 'callStack' from Relude" + note: "'callStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: callStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.currentCallStack + name: "Use 'currentCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'currentCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: currentCallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.getCallStack + name: "Use 'getCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'getCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getCallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.prettyCallStack + name: "Use 'prettyCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'prettyCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: prettyCallStack +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.prettySrcLoc + name: "Use 'prettySrcLoc' from Relude" + note: "'prettySrcLoc' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: prettySrcLoc +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Stack.withFrozenCallStack + name: "Use 'withFrozenCallStack' from Relude" + note: "'withFrozenCallStack' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withFrozenCallStack +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.Bifoldable + name: "Use 'Bifoldable' from Relude" + note: "'Bifoldable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Bifoldable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifold + name: "Use 'bifold' from Relude" + note: "'bifold' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifold +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldMap + name: "Use 'bifoldMap' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldMap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldMap +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldr + name: "Use 'bifoldr' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldr' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldr +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldl + name: "Use 'bifoldl' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldl' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldl +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Bifoldable.bifoldl'" + name: "Use 'bifoldl'' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldl'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "bifoldl'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldlM + name: "Use 'bifoldlM' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldlM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldlM +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Bifoldable.bifoldr'" + name: "Use 'bifoldr'' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldr'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "bifoldr'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifoldrM + name: "Use 'bifoldrM' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldrM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldrM +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bitraverse_ + name: "Use 'bitraverse_' from Relude" + note: "'bitraverse_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bitraverse_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifor_ + name: "Use 'bifor_' from Relude" + note: "'bifor_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifor_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biasum + name: "Use 'biasum' from Relude" + note: "'biasum' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biasum +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bisequence_ + name: "Use 'bisequence_' from Relude" + note: "'bisequence_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bisequence_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biList + name: "Use 'biList' from Relude" + note: "'biList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biList +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.binull + name: "Use 'binull' from Relude" + note: "'binull' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: binull +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bilength + name: "Use 'bilength' from Relude" + note: "'bilength' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bilength +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bielem + name: "Use 'bielem' from Relude" + note: "'bielem' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bielem +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biand + name: "Use 'biand' from Relude" + note: "'biand' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biand +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bior + name: "Use 'bior' from Relude" + note: "'bior' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bior +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biany + name: "Use 'biany' from Relude" + note: "'biany' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biany +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.biall + name: "Use 'biall' from Relude" + note: "'biall' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: biall +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifoldable.bifind + name: "Use 'bifind' from Relude" + note: "'bifind' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifind +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.Bitraversable + name: "Use 'Bitraversable' from Relude" + note: "'Bitraversable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Bitraversable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bitraverse + name: "Use 'bitraverse' from Relude" + note: "'bitraverse' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bitraverse +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bisequence + name: "Use 'bisequence' from Relude" + note: "'bisequence' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bisequence +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bifor + name: "Use 'bifor' from Relude" + note: "'bifor' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifor +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bimapDefault + name: "Use 'bimapDefault' from Relude" + note: "'bimapDefault' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bimapDefault +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bitraversable.bifoldMapDefault + name: "Use 'bifoldMapDefault' from Relude" + note: "'bifoldMapDefault' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bifoldMapDefault +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.guard + name: "Use 'guard' from Relude" + note: "'guard' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: guard +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.unless + name: "Use 'unless' from Relude" + note: "'unless' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: unless +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.when + name: "Use 'when' from Relude" + note: "'when' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: when +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bool.bool + name: "Use 'bool' from Relude" + note: "'bool' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bool +- warn: + lhs: Data.Hashable.Hashable + name: "Use 'Hashable' from Relude" + note: "'Hashable' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Hashable +- warn: + lhs: Data.Hashable.hashWithSalt + name: "Use 'hashWithSalt' from Relude" + note: "'hashWithSalt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hashWithSalt +- warn: + lhs: Data.HashMap.Strict.HashMap + name: "Use 'HashMap' from Relude" + note: "'HashMap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: HashMap +- warn: + lhs: Data.HashSet.HashSet + name: "Use 'HashSet' from Relude" + note: "'HashSet' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: HashSet +- warn: + lhs: Data.IntMap.Strict.IntMap + name: "Use 'IntMap' from Relude" + note: "'IntMap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IntMap +- warn: + lhs: Data.IntSet.IntSet + name: "Use 'IntSet' from Relude" + note: "'IntSet' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IntSet +- warn: + lhs: Data.Map.Strict.Map + name: "Use 'Map' from Relude" + note: "'Map' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Map +- warn: + lhs: Data.Sequence.Sequence + name: "Use 'Sequence' from Relude" + note: "'Sequence' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Sequence +- warn: + lhs: Data.Set.Set + name: "Use 'Set' from Relude" + note: "'Set' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Set +- warn: + lhs: Data.Tuple.swap + name: "Use 'swap' from Relude" + note: "'swap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: swap +- warn: + lhs: Data.Vector.Vector + name: "Use 'Vector' from Relude" + note: "'Vector' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Vector +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Exts.IsList + name: "Use 'IsList' from Relude" + note: "'IsList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IsList +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Exts.fromList + name: "Use 'fromList' from Relude" + note: "'fromList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromList +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Exts.fromListN + name: "Use 'fromListN' from Relude" + note: "'fromListN' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromListN +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.trace + name: "Use 'trace' from Relude" + note: "'trace' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: trace +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceShow + name: "Use 'traceShow' from Relude" + note: "'traceShow' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceShow +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceShowId + name: "Use 'traceShowId' from Relude" + note: "'traceShowId' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceShowId +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceShowM + name: "Use 'traceShowM' from Relude" + note: "'traceShowM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceShowM +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceM + name: "Use 'traceM' from Relude" + note: "'traceM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceM +- warn: + lhs: Debug.Trace.traceId + name: "Use 'traceId' from Relude" + note: "'traceId' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traceId +- warn: + lhs: Control.DeepSeq.NFData + name: "Use 'NFData' from Relude" + note: "'NFData' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: NFData +- warn: + lhs: Control.DeepSeq.rnf + name: "Use 'rnf' from Relude" + note: "'rnf' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: rnf +- warn: + lhs: Control.DeepSeq.deepseq + name: "Use 'deepseq' from Relude" + note: "'deepseq' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: deepseq +- warn: + lhs: Control.DeepSeq.force + name: "Use 'force' from Relude" + note: "'force' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: force +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.DeepSeq.$!!)" + name: "Use '$!!' from Relude" + note: "Operator '($!!)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "($!!)" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.Exception + name: "Use 'Exception' from Relude" + note: "'Exception' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Exception +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.SomeException + name: "Use 'SomeException' from Relude" + note: "'SomeException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: SomeException +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.toException + name: "Use 'toException' from Relude" + note: "'toException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: toException +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.fromException + name: "Use 'fromException' from Relude" + note: "'fromException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromException +- warn: + lhs: Control.Exception.displayException + name: "Use 'displayException' from Relude" + note: "'displayException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: displayException +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.asum + name: "Use 'asum' from Relude" + note: "'asum' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: asum +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.find + name: "Use 'find' from Relude" + note: "'find' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: find +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.find + name: "Use 'find' from Relude" + note: "'find' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: find +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.fold + name: "Use 'fold' from Relude" + note: "'fold' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fold +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Foldable.foldl'" + name: "Use 'foldl'' from Relude" + note: "'foldl'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "foldl'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.forM_ + name: "Use 'forM_' from Relude" + note: "'forM_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: forM_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.for_ + name: "Use 'for_' from Relude" + note: "'for_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: for_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.sequenceA_ + name: "Use 'sequenceA_' from Relude" + note: "'sequenceA_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sequenceA_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.toList + name: "Use 'toList' from Relude" + note: "'toList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: toList +- warn: + lhs: Data.Foldable.traverse_ + name: "Use 'traverse_' from Relude" + note: "'traverse_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: traverse_ +- warn: + lhs: Data.Traversable.forM + name: "Use 'forM' from Relude" + note: "'forM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: forM +- warn: + lhs: Data.Traversable.mapAccumL + name: "Use 'mapAccumL' from Relude" + note: "'mapAccumL' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mapAccumL +- warn: + lhs: Data.Traversable.mapAccumR + name: "Use 'mapAccumR' from Relude" + note: "'mapAccumR' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mapAccumR +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Arrow.&&&)" + name: "Use '&&&' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(&&&)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(&&&)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Category.>>>)" + name: "Use '>>>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(>>>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(>>>)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Category.<<<)" + name: "Use '<<<' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<<<)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<<<)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Function.fix + name: "Use 'fix' from Relude" + note: "'fix' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fix +- warn: + lhs: Data.Function.on + name: "Use 'on' from Relude" + note: "'on' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "on" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifunctor.Bifunctor + name: "Use 'Bifunctor' from Relude" + note: "'Bifunctor' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Bifunctor +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifunctor.bimap + name: "Use 'bimap' from Relude" + note: "'bimap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: bimap +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifunctor.first + name: "Use 'first' from Relude" + note: "'first' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: first +- warn: + lhs: Data.Bifunctor.second + name: "Use 'second' from Relude" + note: "'second' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: second +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.void + name: "Use 'void' from Relude" + note: "'void' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: void +- warn: + lhs: "(Data.Functor.$>)" + name: "Use '$>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '($>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "($>)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Data.Functor.<&>)" + name: "Use '<&>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<&>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<&>)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.Compose.Compose + name: "Use 'Compose' from Relude" + note: "'Compose' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Compose +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.Compose.getCompose + name: "Use 'getCompose' from Relude" + note: "'getCompose' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getCompose +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.Identity.Identity + name: "Use 'Identity' from Relude" + note: "'Identity' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Identity +- warn: + lhs: Data.Functor.Identity.runIdentity + name: "Use 'runIdentity' from Relude" + note: "'runIdentity' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runIdentity +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.MVar + name: "Use 'MVar' from Relude" + note: "'MVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.newEmptyMVar + name: "Use 'newEmptyMVar' from Relude" + note: "'newEmptyMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newEmptyMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.newMVar + name: "Use 'newMVar' from Relude" + note: "'newMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.putMVar + name: "Use 'putMVar' from Relude" + note: "'putMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: putMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.readMVar + name: "Use 'readMVar' from Relude" + note: "'readMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.swapMVar + name: "Use 'swapMVar' from Relude" + note: "'swapMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: swapMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.takeMVar + name: "Use 'takeMVar' from Relude" + note: "'takeMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: takeMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.tryPutMVar + name: "Use 'tryPutMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryPutMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryPutMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.tryReadMVar + name: "Use 'tryReadMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryReadMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryReadMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.MVar.tryTakeMVar + name: "Use 'tryTakeMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryTakeMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryTakeMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.STM.STM + name: "Use 'STM' from Relude" + note: "'STM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: STM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.STM.atomically + name: "Use 'atomically' from Relude" + note: "'atomically' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: atomically +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.STM.throwSTM + name: "Use 'throwSTM' from Relude" + note: "'throwSTM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: throwSTM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.STM.catchSTM + name: "Use 'catchSTM' from Relude" + note: "'catchSTM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: catchSTM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.TVar + name: "Use 'TVar' from Relude" + note: "'TVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: TVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.newTVarIO + name: "Use 'newTVarIO' from Relude" + note: "'newTVarIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newTVarIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.readTVarIO + name: "Use 'readTVarIO' from Relude" + note: "'readTVarIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readTVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.modifyTVar'" + name: "Use 'modifyTVar'' from Relude" + note: "'modifyTVar'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "modifyTVar'" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.newTVar + name: "Use 'newTVar' from Relude" + note: "'newTVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newTVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.readTVar + name: "Use 'readTVar' from Relude" + note: "'readTVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readTVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar.writeTVar + name: "Use 'writeTVar' from Relude" + note: "'writeTVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: writeTVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.TMVar + name: "Use 'TMVar' from Relude" + note: "'TMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: TMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.newTMVar + name: "Use 'newTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'newTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.newEmptyTMVar + name: "Use 'newEmptyTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'newEmptyTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newEmptyTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.newTMVarIO + name: "Use 'newTMVarIO' from Relude" + note: "'newTMVarIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newTMVarIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.newEmptyTMVarIO + name: "Use 'newEmptyTMVarIO' from Relude" + note: "'newEmptyTMVarIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newEmptyTMVarIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.takeTMVar + name: "Use 'takeTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'takeTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: takeTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.putTMVar + name: "Use 'putTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'putTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: putTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.readTMVar + name: "Use 'readTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'readTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.tryReadTMVar + name: "Use 'tryReadTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryReadTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryReadTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.swapTMVar + name: "Use 'swapTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'swapTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: swapTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.tryTakeTMVar + name: "Use 'tryTakeTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryTakeTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryTakeTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.tryPutTMVar + name: "Use 'tryPutTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'tryPutTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tryPutTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.isEmptyTMVar + name: "Use 'isEmptyTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'isEmptyTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isEmptyTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.mkWeakTMVar + name: "Use 'mkWeakTMVar' from Relude" + note: "'mkWeakTMVar' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mkWeakTMVar +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.IORef + name: "Use 'IORef' from Relude" + note: "'IORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IORef +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.atomicModifyIORef + name: "Use 'atomicModifyIORef' from Relude" + note: "'atomicModifyIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: atomicModifyIORef +- warn: + lhs: "Data.IORef.atomicModifyIORef'" + name: "Use 'atomicModifyIORef'' from Relude" + note: "'atomicModifyIORef'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "atomicModifyIORef'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.atomicWriteIORef + name: "Use 'atomicWriteIORef' from Relude" + note: "'atomicWriteIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: atomicWriteIORef +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.modifyIORef + name: "Use 'modifyIORef' from Relude" + note: "'modifyIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: modifyIORef +- warn: + lhs: "Data.IORef.modifyIORef'" + name: "Use 'modifyIORef'' from Relude" + note: "'modifyIORef'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "modifyIORef'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.newIORef + name: "Use 'newIORef' from Relude" + note: "'newIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: newIORef +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.readIORef + name: "Use 'readIORef' from Relude" + note: "'readIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readIORef +- warn: + lhs: Data.IORef.writeIORef + name: "Use 'writeIORef' from Relude" + note: "'writeIORef' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: writeIORef +- warn: + lhs: "atomicModifyIORef ref (\\a -> (f a, ()))" + rhs: atomicModifyIORef_ ref f +- warn: + lhs: "atomicModifyIORef ref $ \\a -> (f a, ())" + rhs: atomicModifyIORef_ ref f +- warn: + lhs: "atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \\a -> (f a, ())" + rhs: "atomicModifyIORef'_ ref f" +- warn: + lhs: "atomicModifyIORef' ref (\\a -> (f a, ()))" + rhs: "atomicModifyIORef'_ ref f" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.IO.getLine + name: "Use 'getLine' from Relude" + note: "'getLine' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getLine +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.hFlush + name: "Use 'hFlush' from Relude" + note: "'hFlush' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hFlush +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.hIsEOF + name: "Use 'hIsEOF' from Relude" + note: "'hIsEOF' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hIsEOF +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.hSetBuffering + name: "Use 'hSetBuffering' from Relude" + note: "'hSetBuffering' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hSetBuffering +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.hGetBuffering + name: "Use 'hGetBuffering' from Relude" + note: "'hGetBuffering' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: hGetBuffering +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.Handle + name: "Use 'Handle' from Relude" + note: "'Handle' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Handle +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.stdin + name: "Use 'stdin' from Relude" + note: "'stdin' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stdin +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.stdout + name: "Use 'stdout' from Relude" + note: "'stdout' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stdout +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.stderr + name: "Use 'stderr' from Relude" + note: "'stderr' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stderr +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.withFile + name: "Use 'withFile' from Relude" + note: "'withFile' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withFile +- warn: + lhs: System.IO.BufferMode + name: "Use 'BufferMode' from Relude" + note: "'BufferMode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: BufferMode +- warn: + lhs: System.Environment.getArgs + name: "Use 'getArgs' from Relude" + note: "'getArgs' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getArgs +- warn: + lhs: System.Environment.lookupEnv + name: "Use 'lookupEnv' from Relude" + note: "'lookupEnv' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lookupEnv +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericDrop + name: "Use 'genericDrop' from Relude" + note: "'genericDrop' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericDrop +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericLength + name: "Use 'genericLength' from Relude" + note: "'genericLength' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericLength +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericReplicate + name: "Use 'genericReplicate' from Relude" + note: "'genericReplicate' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericReplicate +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericSplitAt + name: "Use 'genericSplitAt' from Relude" + note: "'genericSplitAt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericSplitAt +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.genericTake + name: "Use 'genericTake' from Relude" + note: "'genericTake' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: genericTake +- warn: + lhs: + name: "Use 'group' from Relude" + note: "'group' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: group +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.inits + name: "Use 'inits' from Relude" + note: "'inits' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: inits +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.intercalate + name: "Use 'intercalate' from Relude" + note: "'intercalate' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: intercalate +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.intersperse + name: "Use 'intersperse' from Relude" + note: "'intersperse' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: intersperse +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.isPrefixOf + name: "Use 'isPrefixOf' from Relude" + note: "'isPrefixOf' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isPrefixOf +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.permutations + name: "Use 'permutations' from Relude" + note: "'permutations' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: permutations +- warn: + lhs: "Data.List.scanl'" + name: "Use 'scanl'' from Relude" + note: "'scanl'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "scanl'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.sort + name: "Use 'sort' from Relude" + note: "'sort' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sort +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.sortBy + name: "Use 'sortBy' from Relude" + note: "'sortBy' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sortBy +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.sortOn + name: "Use 'sortOn' from Relude" + note: "'sortOn' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sortOn +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.subsequences + name: "Use 'subsequences' from Relude" + note: "'subsequences' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: subsequences +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.tails + name: "Use 'tails' from Relude" + note: "'tails' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tails +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.transpose + name: "Use 'transpose' from Relude" + note: "'transpose' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: transpose +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.uncons + name: "Use 'uncons' from Relude" + note: "'uncons' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: uncons +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.unfoldr + name: "Use 'unfoldr' from Relude" + note: "'unfoldr' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: unfoldr +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.NonEmpty + name: "Use 'NonEmpty' from Relude" + note: "'NonEmpty' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: NonEmpty +- warn: + lhs: "(Data.List.NonEmpty.:|)" + name: "Use ':|' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(:|)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(:|)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.nonEmpty + name: "Use 'nonEmpty' from Relude" + note: "'nonEmpty' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: nonEmpty +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.head + name: "Use 'head' from Relude" + note: "'head' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: head +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.init + name: "Use 'init' from Relude" + note: "'init' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: init +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.last + name: "Use 'last' from Relude" + note: "'last' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: last +- warn: + lhs: Data.List.NonEmpty.tail + name: "Use 'tail' from Relude" + note: "'tail' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: tail +- warn: + lhs: GHC.Exts.sortWith + name: "Use 'sortWith' from Relude" + note: "'sortWith' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sortWith +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Except.ExceptT + name: "Use 'ExceptT' from Relude" + note: "'ExceptT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ExceptT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Except.runExceptT + name: "Use 'runExceptT' from Relude" + note: "'runExceptT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runExceptT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.MonadReader + name: "Use 'MonadReader' from Relude" + note: "'MonadReader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadReader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.Reader + name: "Use 'Reader' from Relude" + note: "'Reader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Reader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.ReaderT + name: "Use 'ReaderT' from Relude" + note: "'ReaderT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ReaderT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.runReaderT + name: "Use 'runReaderT' from Relude" + note: "'runReaderT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runReaderT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.ask + name: "Use 'ask' from Relude" + note: "'ask' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ask +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.asks + name: "Use 'asks' from Relude" + note: "'asks' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: asks +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.local + name: "Use 'local' from Relude" + note: "'local' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: local +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.reader + name: "Use 'reader' from Relude" + note: "'reader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: reader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.runReader + name: "Use 'runReader' from Relude" + note: "'runReader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runReader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.withReader + name: "Use 'withReader' from Relude" + note: "'withReader' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withReader +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Reader.withReaderT + name: "Use 'withReaderT' from Relude" + note: "'withReaderT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withReaderT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.MonadState + name: "Use 'MonadState' from Relude" + note: "'MonadState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.State + name: "Use 'State' from Relude" + note: "'State' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: State +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.StateT + name: "Use 'StateT' from Relude" + note: "'StateT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: StateT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.runStateT + name: "Use 'runStateT' from Relude" + note: "'runStateT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runStateT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.evalState + name: "Use 'evalState' from Relude" + note: "'evalState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: evalState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.evalStateT + name: "Use 'evalStateT' from Relude" + note: "'evalStateT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: evalStateT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.execState + name: "Use 'execState' from Relude" + note: "'execState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: execState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.execStateT + name: "Use 'execStateT' from Relude" + note: "'execStateT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: execStateT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.get + name: "Use 'get' from Relude" + note: "'get' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: get +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.gets + name: "Use 'gets' from Relude" + note: "'gets' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: gets +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.modify + name: "Use 'modify' from Relude" + note: "'modify' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: modify +- warn: + lhs: "Control.Monad.State.Strict.modify'" + name: "Use 'modify'' from Relude" + note: "'modify'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "modify'" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.put + name: "Use 'put' from Relude" + note: "'put' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: put +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.runState + name: "Use 'runState' from Relude" + note: "'runState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.state + name: "Use 'state' from Relude" + note: "'state' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: state +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.State.Strict.withState + name: "Use 'withState' from Relude" + note: "'withState' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: withState +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.MonadIO + name: "Use 'MonadIO' from Relude" + note: "'MonadIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.MonadTrans + name: "Use 'MonadTrans' from Relude" + note: "'MonadTrans' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadTrans +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.lift + name: "Use 'lift' from Relude" + note: "'lift' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lift +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.liftIO + name: "Use 'liftIO' from Relude" + note: "'liftIO' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: liftIO +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Identity.IdentityT + name: "Use 'IdentityT' from Relude" + note: "'IdentityT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IdentityT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Identity.runIdentityT + name: "Use 'runIdentityT' from Relude" + note: "'runIdentityT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: runIdentityT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.MaybeT + name: "Use 'MaybeT' from Relude" + note: "'MaybeT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MaybeT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.maybeToExceptT + name: "Use 'maybeToExceptT' from Relude" + note: "'maybeToExceptT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: maybeToExceptT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.exceptToMaybeT + name: "Use 'exceptToMaybeT' from Relude" + note: "'exceptToMaybeT' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: exceptToMaybeT +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.MonadPlus + name: "Use 'MonadPlus' from Relude" + note: "'MonadPlus' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadPlus +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.mzero + name: "Use 'mzero' from Relude" + note: "'mzero' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mzero +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.mplus + name: "Use 'mplus' from Relude" + note: "'mplus' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mplus +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.filterM + name: "Use 'filterM' from Relude" + note: "'filterM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: filterM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.forever + name: "Use 'forever' from Relude" + note: "'forever' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: forever +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.join + name: "Use 'join' from Relude" + note: "'join' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: join +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.mapAndUnzipM + name: "Use 'mapAndUnzipM' from Relude" + note: "'mapAndUnzipM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mapAndUnzipM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.mfilter + name: "Use 'mfilter' from Relude" + note: "'mfilter' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mfilter +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.replicateM + name: "Use 'replicateM' from Relude" + note: "'replicateM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: replicateM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.replicateM_ + name: "Use 'replicateM_' from Relude" + note: "'replicateM_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: replicateM_ +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.zipWithM + name: "Use 'zipWithM' from Relude" + note: "'zipWithM' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: zipWithM +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.zipWithM_ + name: "Use 'zipWithM_' from Relude" + note: "'zipWithM_' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: zipWithM_ +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Monad.<$!>)" + name: "Use '<$!>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<$!>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<$!>)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Monad.<=<)" + name: "Use '<=<' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<=<)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<=<)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Monad.=<<)" + name: "Use '=<<' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(=<<)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(=<<)" +- warn: + lhs: "(Control.Monad.>=>)" + name: "Use '>=>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(>=>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(>=>)" +- warn: + lhs: Control.Monad.Fail.MonadFail + name: "Use 'MonadFail' from Relude" + note: "'MonadFail' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: MonadFail +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.catMaybes + name: "Use 'catMaybes' from Relude" + note: "'catMaybes' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: catMaybes +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.fromMaybe + name: "Use 'fromMaybe' from Relude" + note: "'fromMaybe' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromMaybe +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.isJust + name: "Use 'isJust' from Relude" + note: "'isJust' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isJust +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.isNothing + name: "Use 'isNothing' from Relude" + note: "'isNothing' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isNothing +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.listToMaybe + name: "Use 'listToMaybe' from Relude" + note: "'listToMaybe' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: listToMaybe +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.mapMaybe + name: "Use 'mapMaybe' from Relude" + note: "'mapMaybe' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mapMaybe +- warn: + lhs: Data.Maybe.maybeToList + name: "Use 'maybeToList' from Relude" + note: "'maybeToList' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: maybeToList +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.isLeft + name: "Use 'isLeft' from Relude" + note: "'isLeft' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isLeft +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.isRight + name: "Use 'isRight' from Relude" + note: "'isRight' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: isRight +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.lefts + name: "Use 'lefts' from Relude" + note: "'lefts' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lefts +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.partitionEithers + name: "Use 'partitionEithers' from Relude" + note: "'partitionEithers' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: partitionEithers +- warn: + lhs: Data.Either.rights + name: "Use 'rights' from Relude" + note: "'rights' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: rights +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.All + name: "Use 'All' from Relude" + note: "'All' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: All +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getAll + name: "Use 'getAll' from Relude" + note: "'getAll' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getAll +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Alt + name: "Use 'Alt' from Relude" + note: "'Alt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Alt +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getAlt + name: "Use 'getAlt' from Relude" + note: "'getAlt' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getAlt +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Any + name: "Use 'Any' from Relude" + note: "'Any' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Any +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getAny + name: "Use 'getAny' from Relude" + note: "'getAny' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getAny +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Ap + name: "Use 'Ap' from Relude" + note: "'Ap' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Ap +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getAp + name: "Use 'getAp' from Relude" + note: "'getAp' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getAp +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Dual + name: "Use 'Dual' from Relude" + note: "'Dual' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Dual +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getDual + name: "Use 'getDual' from Relude" + note: "'getDual' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getDual +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Endo + name: "Use 'Endo' from Relude" + note: "'Endo' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Endo +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.appEndo + name: "Use 'appEndo' from Relude" + note: "'appEndo' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: appEndo +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.First + name: "Use 'First' from Relude" + note: "'First' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: First +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getFirst + name: "Use 'getFirst' from Relude" + note: "'getFirst' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getFirst +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Last + name: "Use 'Last' from Relude" + note: "'Last' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Last +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getLast + name: "Use 'getLast' from Relude" + note: "'getLast' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getLast +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Product + name: "Use 'Product' from Relude" + note: "'Product' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Product +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getProduct + name: "Use 'getProduct' from Relude" + note: "'getProduct' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getProduct +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.Sum + name: "Use 'Sum' from Relude" + note: "'Sum' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Sum +- warn: + lhs: Data.Monoid.getSum + name: "Use 'getSum' from Relude" + note: "'getSum' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: getSum +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.Semigroup + name: "Use 'Semigroup' from Relude" + note: "'Semigroup' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Semigroup +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.sconcat + name: "Use 'sconcat' from Relude" + note: "'sconcat' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: sconcat +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimes + name: "Use 'stimes' from Relude" + note: "'stimes' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stimes +- warn: + lhs: "(Data.Semigroup.<>)" + name: "Use '<>' from Relude" + note: "Operator '(<>)' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "(<>)" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.WrappedMonoid + name: "Use 'WrappedMonoid' from Relude" + note: "'WrappedMonoid' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: WrappedMonoid +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.cycle1 + name: "Use 'cycle1' from Relude" + note: "'cycle1' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: cycle1 +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.mtimesDefault + name: "Use 'mtimesDefault' from Relude" + note: "'mtimesDefault' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: mtimesDefault +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesIdempotent + name: "Use 'stimesIdempotent' from Relude" + note: "'stimesIdempotent' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stimesIdempotent +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesIdempotentMonoid + name: "Use 'stimesIdempotentMonoid' from Relude" + note: "'stimesIdempotentMonoid' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stimesIdempotentMonoid +- warn: + lhs: Data.Semigroup.stimesMonoid + name: "Use 'stimesMonoid' from Relude" + note: "'stimesMonoid' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: stimesMonoid +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.ByteString + name: "Use 'ByteString' from Relude" + note: "'ByteString' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ByteString +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString + name: "Use 'ShortByteString' from Relude" + note: "'ShortByteString' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: ShortByteString +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Short.toShort + name: "Use 'toShort' from Relude" + note: "'toShort' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: toShort +- warn: + lhs: Data.ByteString.Short.fromShort + name: "Use 'fromShort' from Relude" + note: "'fromShort' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromShort +- warn: + lhs: Data.String.IsString + name: "Use 'IsString' from Relude" + note: "'IsString' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: IsString +- warn: + lhs: Data.String.fromString + name: "Use 'fromString' from Relude" + note: "'fromString' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: fromString +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Text + name: "Use 'Text' from Relude" + note: "'Text' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Text +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.lines + name: "Use 'lines' from Relude" + note: "'lines' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lines +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.unlines + name: "Use 'unlines' from Relude" + note: "'unlines' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: unlines +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.words + name: "Use 'words' from Relude" + note: "'words' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: words +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.unwords + name: "Use 'unwords' from Relude" + note: "'unwords' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: unwords +- warn: + lhs: "Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8'" + name: "Use 'decodeUtf8'' from Relude" + note: "'decodeUtf8'' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: "decodeUtf8'" +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8With + name: "Use 'decodeUtf8With' from Relude" + note: "'decodeUtf8With' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: decodeUtf8With +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.OnDecodeError + name: "Use 'OnDecodeError' from Relude" + note: "'OnDecodeError' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: OnDecodeError +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.OnError + name: "Use 'OnError' from Relude" + note: "'OnError' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: OnError +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.UnicodeException + name: "Use 'UnicodeException' from Relude" + note: "'UnicodeException' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: UnicodeException +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.lenientDecode + name: "Use 'lenientDecode' from Relude" + note: "'lenientDecode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: lenientDecode +- warn: + lhs: Data.Text.Encoding.Error.strictDecode + name: "Use 'strictDecode' from Relude" + note: "'strictDecode' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: strictDecode +- warn: + lhs: Text.Read.Read + name: "Use 'Read' from Relude" + note: "'Read' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: Read +- warn: + lhs: Text.Read.readMaybe + name: "Use 'readMaybe' from Relude" + note: "'readMaybe' is already exported from Relude" + rhs: readMaybe +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newEmptyMVar ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newEmptyMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newEmptyMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putMVar x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (swapMVar x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'swapMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: swapMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (takeMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'takeMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: takeMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (tryPutMVar x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'tryPutMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: tryPutMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (tryReadMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'tryReadMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: tryReadMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (tryTakeMVar x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'tryTakeMVar' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: tryTakeMVar +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (atomically x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'atomically' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: atomically +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newTVarIO x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newTVarIO' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newTVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readTVarIO x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readTVarIO' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readTVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newTMVarIO x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newTMVarIO' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newTMVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newEmptyTMVarIO ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newEmptyTMVarIO' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newEmptyTMVarIO +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (exitWith x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'exitWith' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: exitWith +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (exitFailure ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'exitFailure' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: exitFailure +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (exitSuccess ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'exitSuccess' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: exitSuccess +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (die x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'die' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: die +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFile x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFile' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFile +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFile x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFile' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFile +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFile x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFile' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFile +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFileText x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFileText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFileText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFileText x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFileText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFileText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFileText x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFileText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFileText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFileLText x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFileLText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFileLText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFileLText x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFileLText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFileLText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFileLText x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFileLText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFileLText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFileBS x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFileBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFileBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFileBS x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFileBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFileBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFileBS x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFileBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFileBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readFileLBS x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readFileLBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeFileLBS x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeFileLBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (appendFileLBS x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'appendFileLBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: appendFileLBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (newIORef x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'newIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: newIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (readIORef x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'readIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: readIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (writeIORef x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'writeIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: writeIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (modifyIORef x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'modifyIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: modifyIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (modifyIORef' x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'modifyIORef'' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: "modifyIORef'" +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (atomicModifyIORef x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'atomicModifyIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: atomicModifyIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (atomicModifyIORef' x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'atomicModifyIORef'' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: "atomicModifyIORef'" +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (atomicWriteIORef x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'atomicWriteIORef' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: atomicWriteIORef +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (getLine ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'getLine' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: getLine +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (print x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'print' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: print +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putStr x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putStr' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putStr +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putStrLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putStrLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putStrLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putText x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putTextLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putTextLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putTextLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putLText x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putLText' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putLText +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putLTextLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putLTextLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putLTextLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putBS x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putBSLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putBSLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putBSLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putLBS x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putLBS' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putLBS +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (putLBSLn x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'putLBSLn' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: putLBSLn +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (hFlush x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'hFlush' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: hFlush +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (hIsEOF x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'hIsEOF' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: hIsEOF +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (hSetBuffering x y))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'hSetBuffering' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: hSetBuffering +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (hGetBuffering x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'hGetBuffering' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: hGetBuffering +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (getArgs ))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'getArgs' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: getArgs +- warn: + lhs: "(liftIO (lookupEnv x))" + name: "'liftIO' is not needed" + note: "If you import 'lookupEnv' from Relude, it's already lifted" + rhs: lookupEnv +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (bimap f g)" + note: "Use `bimapF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: bimapF f g +- hint: + lhs: "bimap f g <$> x" + note: "Use `bimapF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: bimapF f g x +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (first f)" + note: "Use `firstF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: firstF f +- hint: + lhs: fmap . first + note: "Use `firstF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: firstF +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (second f)" + note: "Use `secondF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: secondF f +- hint: + lhs: fmap . second + note: "Use `secondF` from `Relude.Extra.Bifunctor`" + rhs: secondF +- hint: + lhs: "[minBound .. maxBound]" + note: "Use `universe` from `Relude.Extra.Enum`" + rhs: universe +- hint: + lhs: succ + note: "`succ` from `Prelude` is a pure function but it may throw exception. Consider using `next` from `Relude.Extra.Enum` instead." + rhs: next +- hint: + lhs: pred + note: "`pred` from `Prelude` is a pure function but it may throw exception. Consider using `prev` from `Relude.Extra.Enum` instead." + rhs: prev +- hint: + lhs: toEnum + note: "`toEnum` from `Prelude` is a pure function but it may throw exception. Consider using `safeToEnum` from `Relude.Extra.Enum` instead." + rhs: safeToEnum +- hint: + lhs: sum xs / length xs + note: "Use `average` from `Relude.Extra.Foldable`" + rhs: average xs +- hint: + lhs: "\\a -> (a, a)" + note: "Use `dup` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: dup +- hint: + lhs: "\\a -> (f a, a)" + note: "Use `toFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: toFst f +- hint: + lhs: "\\a -> (a, f a)" + note: "Use `toSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: toSnd f +- hint: + lhs: fmap . toFst + note: "Use `fmapToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToFst +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (toFst f)" + note: "Use `fmapToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToFst f +- hint: + lhs: fmap . toSnd + note: "Use `fmapToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToSnd +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (toSnd f)" + note: "Use `fmapToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToSnd f +- hint: + lhs: map . toFst + note: "Use `fmapToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToFst +- hint: + lhs: "map (toFst f)" + note: "Use `fmapToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToFst f +- hint: + lhs: map . toSnd + note: "Use `fmapToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToSnd +- hint: + lhs: "map (toSnd f)" + note: "Use `fmapToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: fmapToSnd f +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (,a) (f a)" + note: "Use `traverseToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToFst f a +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (flip (,) a) (f a)" + note: "Use `traverseToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToFst f a +- hint: + lhs: "(,a) <$> f a" + note: "Use `traverseToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToFst f a +- hint: + lhs: "flip (,) a <$> f a" + note: "Use `traverseToFst` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToFst f a +- hint: + lhs: "fmap (a,) (f a)" + note: "Use `traverseToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToSnd f a +- hint: + lhs: "fmap ((,) a) (f a)" + note: "Use `traverseToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToSnd f a +- hint: + lhs: "(a,) <$> f a" + note: "Use `traverseToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToSnd f a +- hint: + lhs: "(,) a <$> f a" + note: "Use `traverseToSnd` from `Relude.Extra.Tuple`" + rhs: traverseToSnd f a diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e15754b --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2022 Jasmine Marie Wilson + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a540176 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# xmonad-config + +Get a Haskell development environment up and running quickly. Thanks to Nix, this template is optimized for a fully reproducible and friendly development environment. It is based on: + +- [Nix]( + [Flakes]( (via [`github:srid/haskell-flake`]( + GHC 9.6 +- VSCode + [HLS]( +- [fourmolu]( autoformatting +- [Relude]( as Prelude. + - `.hlint.yaml` is [from relude]( +- Devshell commands are provided via [just](; run `just` in devshell. + +If you have an *existing* Haskell project, you should probably use instead. + +## Getting Started + +Initialize this template using: + +```sh +nix --accept-flake-config run github:juspay/omnix -- \ + init github:srid/xmonad-config -o ./yourproject +``` + +*tldr: [Install Nix](, [setup direnv](, open in VSCode, install recommended extensions and run `just run`.* + +Full instructions: + +Recommended dev environment setup: + +## Tips + +- Run `nix flake update` to update all flake inputs. +- Run `nix --accept-flake-config run github:juspay/omnix ci` to build _all_ outputs. +- [pre-commit] hooks will automatically be setup in Nix shell. You can also run `pre-commit run -a` manually to run the hooks (e.g.: to autoformat the project tree using fourmolu, nixpkgs-fmt, etc. as well run programs like hlint). The hooks will checked as part of flake checks (thus CI). +- Run `just docs` to start Hoogle with packages in your cabal file. +- Run the application without installing: `nix run github:srid/xmonad-config` (or `nix run .` from checkout) +- Common workflows + - Adding library dependencies in Nix: + - Adding tests: + +## Discussions + +Questions? Ideas? Suggestions? Join our [NixOS Zulip]( or post in [Github Discussions]( + +[pre-commit]: diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1061360 --- /dev/null +++ b/flake.lock @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +{ + "nodes": { + "flake-parts": { + "inputs": { + "nixpkgs-lib": [ + "nixpkgs" + ] + }, + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1738453229, + "narHash": "sha256-7H9XgNiGLKN1G1CgRh0vUL4AheZSYzPm+zmZ7vxbJdo=", + "owner": "hercules-ci", + "repo": "flake-parts", + "rev": "32ea77a06711b758da0ad9bd6a844c5740a87abd", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "hercules-ci", + "repo": "flake-parts", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "fourmolu-nix": { + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1707266073, + "narHash": "sha256-tCFzZQJicDdYjnuJiNK4hiiRAH7c2wQzMhOCdUMbVKE=", + "owner": "jedimahdi", + "repo": "fourmolu-nix", + "rev": "717f5a91b0d7b97b1be7ecc3a0fd42d37ffe1c9b", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "jedimahdi", + "repo": "fourmolu-nix", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "git-hooks": { + "flake": false, + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1737465171, + "narHash": "sha256-R10v2hoJRLq8jcL4syVFag7nIGE7m13qO48wRIukWNg=", + "owner": "cachix", + "repo": "git-hooks.nix", + "rev": "9364dc02281ce2d37a1f55b6e51f7c0f65a75f17", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "cachix", + "repo": "git-hooks.nix", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "haskell-flake": { + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1738519333, + "narHash": "sha256-QK7DIUmUC76cEBlntkDyBrhrZMD5fioCT2Xd6RbA8a8=", + "owner": "srid", + "repo": "haskell-flake", + "rev": "dcca937807b7190934118ae476865301885aef15", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "srid", + "repo": "haskell-flake", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "nixos-unified": { + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1738770348, + "narHash": "sha256-PQYCNoZ0QvaX8kmMVTaPn8z+EDPsl0tZG3+o0Z1+9CM=", + "owner": "srid", + "repo": "nixos-unified", + "rev": "be4ce51cae1dda99e8fd57036215b19ef37bd7fd", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "srid", + "repo": "nixos-unified", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "nixpkgs": { + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1738734093, + "narHash": "sha256-UEYOKfXXKU49fR7dGB05As0s2pGbLK4xDo48Qtdm7xs=", + "owner": "nixos", + "repo": "nixpkgs", + "rev": "5b2753b0356d1c951d7a3ef1d086ba5a71fff43c", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "nixos", + "ref": "nixpkgs-unstable", + "repo": "nixpkgs", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "root": { + "inputs": { + "flake-parts": "flake-parts", + "fourmolu-nix": "fourmolu-nix", + "git-hooks": "git-hooks", + "haskell-flake": "haskell-flake", + "nixos-unified": "nixos-unified", + "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs" + } + } + }, + "root": "root", + "version": 7 +} diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16f93ff --- /dev/null +++ b/flake.nix @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + description = "Nix template for Haskell projects"; + inputs = { + nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; + flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts"; + flake-parts.inputs.nixpkgs-lib.follows = "nixpkgs"; + nixos-unified.url = "github:srid/nixos-unified"; + haskell-flake.url = "github:srid/haskell-flake"; + fourmolu-nix.url = "github:jedimahdi/fourmolu-nix"; + + git-hooks.url = "github:cachix/git-hooks.nix"; + git-hooks.flake = false; + }; + + outputs = inputs: + # This will import ./nix/modules/flake/*.nix + # cf. + # + # To write your own Nix, add or edit files in ./nix/modules/flake/ + inputs.nixos-unified.lib.mkFlake + { inherit inputs; root = ./.; }; +} diff --git a/hie.yaml b/hie.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04cd243 --- /dev/null +++ b/hie.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +cradle: + cabal: diff --git a/justfile b/justfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb3dc68 --- /dev/null +++ b/justfile @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +default: + @just --list + +# Run hoogle +docs: + echo + hoogle serve -p 8888 --local + +# Run cabal repl +repl *ARGS: + cabal repl {{ ARGS }} + +# Run ghcid -- auto-recompile and run `main` function +run: + ghcid -T :main diff --git a/nix/modules/flake/devshell.nix b/nix/modules/flake/devshell.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c24847 --- /dev/null +++ b/nix/modules/flake/devshell.nix @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + perSystem = { config, pkgs, ... }: { + # Default shell. + devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell { + name = "xmonad-config"; + meta.description = "Haskell development environment"; + # See + inputsFrom = [ + config.haskellProjects.default.outputs.devShell # See ./nix/modules/haskell.nix + config.pre-commit.devShell # See ./nix/modules/formatter.nix + ]; + packages = with pkgs; [ + just + nixd + ghciwatch + ]; + }; + }; +} diff --git a/nix/modules/flake/haskell.nix b/nix/modules/flake/haskell.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce71276 --- /dev/null +++ b/nix/modules/flake/haskell.nix @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +{ root, inputs, ... }: +{ + imports = [ + inputs.haskell-flake.flakeModule + ]; + perSystem = { self', lib, config, pkgs, ... }: { + # Our only Haskell project. You can have multiple projects, but this template + # has only one. + # See + haskellProjects.default = { + # To avoid unnecessary rebuilds, we filter projectRoot: + # + projectRoot = builtins.toString (lib.fileset.toSource { + inherit root; + fileset = lib.fileset.unions [ + (root + /src) + (root + /xmonad-config.cabal) + (root + /LICENSE) + (root + / + ]; + }); + + # The base package set (this value is the default) + # basePackages = pkgs.haskellPackages; + + # Packages to add on top of `basePackages` + packages = { + # Add source or Hackage overrides here + # (Local packages are added automatically) + /* + aeson.source = "" # Hackage version + shower.source = inputs.shower; # Flake input + */ + }; + + # Add your package overrides here + settings = { + xmonad-config = { + stan = true; + # haddock = false; + }; + /* + aeson = { + check = false; + }; + */ + }; + + # Development shell configuration + devShell = { + hlsCheck.enable = false; + }; + + # What should haskell-flake add to flake outputs? + autoWire = [ "packages" "apps" "checks" ]; # Wire all but the devShell + }; + + # Default package & app. + packages.default = self'.packages.xmonad-config; + apps.default = self'.apps.xmonad-config; + }; +} diff --git a/nix/modules/flake/pre-commit.nix b/nix/modules/flake/pre-commit.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..340ca8f --- /dev/null +++ b/nix/modules/flake/pre-commit.nix @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +{ inputs, ... }: +{ + imports = [ + (inputs.git-hooks + /flake-module.nix) + inputs.fourmolu-nix.flakeModule + ]; + perSystem = { config, ... }: { + pre-commit.settings = { + hooks = { + nixpkgs-fmt.enable = true; + cabal-fmt.enable = true; + fourmolu = { + enable = true; + package = config.fourmolu.wrapper; + }; + hlint.enable = true; + }; + }; + + fourmolu.settings = { + indentation = 2; + comma-style = "leading"; + record-brace-space = true; + indent-wheres = true; + import-export-style = "diff-friendly"; + respectful = true; + haddock-style = "multi-line"; + newlines-between-decls = 1; + extensions = [ "ImportQualifiedPost" ]; + }; + }; +} diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5fe8ef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Main.hs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +module Main where + +import Main.Utf8 qualified as Utf8 + +data Example = Example + { name :: Text + , age :: Int + } + deriving stock (Show, Eq) + +{- | + Main entry point. + + `just run` will invoke this function. +-} +main :: IO () +main = do + -- For withUtf8, see + Utf8.withUtf8 $ do + putTextLn "Hello 🌎 (from xmonad-config)" diff --git a/xmonad-config.cabal b/xmonad-config.cabal new file mode 100644 index 0000000..150ec18 --- /dev/null +++ b/xmonad-config.cabal @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +cabal-version: 2.4 +name: xmonad-config +version: +license: MIT +copyright: 2022 Jasmine Marie Wilson +maintainer: +author: Jasmine Marie Wilson +category: Web +homepage: + +-- TODO: Before hackage release. +-- A short (one-line) description of the package. +synopsis: A template for Haskell projects using Nix + +-- A longer description of the package. +-- description: + +-- A URL where users can report bugs. +-- bug-reports: + +extra-source-files: + LICENSE + + +common shared + ghc-options: + -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns + -Wmissing-deriving-strategies -Wunused-foralls -Wunused-foralls + -fprint-explicit-foralls -fprint-explicit-kinds + + mixins: + base hiding (Prelude), + relude (Relude as Prelude, Relude.Container.One), + relude + + default-extensions: + DataKinds + DerivingStrategies + DerivingVia + LambdaCase + MultiWayIf + NoStarIsType + OverloadedStrings + StrictData + TypeFamilies + ViewPatterns + + build-depends: + , aeson + , async + , base >=4 && <5 + , data-default + , directory + , filepath + , mtl + , optics-core + , profunctors + , relude >=1.0 + , shower + , time + , with-utf8 + + hs-source-dirs: src + default-language: GHC2021 + +executable xmonad-config + import: shared + main-is: Main.hs