176 lines
4.5 KiB
176 lines
4.5 KiB
}: {
disabledModules = ["services/web-servers/traefik.nix"];
imports = [
age.secrets.traefik = {
# Environment variables for porkbun dns challenge
rekeyFile = ./environment.age;
owner = "traefik";
group = "traefik";
systemd.services.traefik.serviceConfig = {
User = "traefik";
Group = "traefik";
LogsDirectory = "traefik";
LogsDirectoryMode = "0755";
# Reverse proxy and load balancer for HTTP and TCP-based applications
services.traefik = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.traefik;
dataDir = "/var/lib/traefik";
environmentFiles = [
# The startup configuration
staticConfigOptions = {
api = {
# Enable the API in secure mode
insecure = false;
# Enable the dashboard
dashboard = true;
log = {
filePath = "/var/log/traefik/traefik.log";
level = "ERROR";
accessLog = {
filePath = "/var/log/traefik/access.log";
format = "json";
filters.statusCodes = [
"200-299" # log successful http requests
"400-599" # log failed http requests
# collect logs in-memory buffer before writing into log file
bufferingSize = "0";
fields.headers = {
defaultMode = "drop"; # drop all headers per default
names.User-Agent = "keep"; # log user agent strings
# Install plugins
experimental.plugins = {
# Block or allow requests based on their country of origin.
geoblock = {
moduleName = "github.com/PascalMinder/geoblock";
version = "v0.2.7";
# Authorize or block requests from IPs based on there reputation and behaviour.
bouncer = {
moduleName = "github.com/maxlerebourg/crowdsec-bouncer-traefik-plugin";
version = "v1.3.5";
# Network entry points into Traefik
entryPoints = {
# Hypertext Transfer Protocol
web = {
address = ":80";
# Redirect all incoming HTTP requests to HTTPS
http.redirections.entryPoint = {
to = "websecure";
scheme = "https";
# Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
websecure = {
address = ":443";
# Requests wildcard SSL certs for our services
http.tls = {
certResolver = "lets-encrypt";
# List of domains in our network
domains = [
# Public services
main = "sajenim.dev";
sans = ["*.sajenim.dev"];
# Keyboards
main = "sajkbd.io";
sans = ["*.sajkbd.io"];
# Retrieve certificates from an ACME server
certificatesResolvers = {
# Setup a lets-encrypt environment
lets-encrypt.acme = {
# Email address used for registration
email = "its.jassy@pm.me";
# File or key used for certificate storage
storage = "/var/lib/traefik/acme.json";
# Certificate authority server to use
caServer = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory";
# Use a DNS-01 ACME challenge
dnsChallenge = {
provider = "porkbun";
resolvers = [
# Disables SSL certificate verification between our traefik instance and our backend
serversTransport = {
insecureSkipVerify = true;
dynamicConfigOptions.http.routers = {
traefik-dashboard = {
rule = "Host(`traefik.home.arpa`)";
entryPoints = [
middlewares = [
service = "api@internal";
# Persist our traefik data & logs
environment.persistence."/persist" = {
directories = [
directory = "/var/lib/traefik";
user = "traefik";
group = "traefik";
directory = "/var/log/traefik";
user = "traefik";
group = "traefik";
directory = "/plugins-storage";
user = "traefik";
group = "traefik";
hideMounts = true;