This commit is contained in:
♥ Minnie ♥ 2023-04-20 00:48:38 +08:00
parent 7962d7bf93
commit 3eecc4853e

View file

@ -11,39 +11,6 @@ if wezterm.config_builder then
config = wezterm.config_builder()
local function isViProcess(pane)
-- get_foreground_process_name On Linux, macOS and Windows,
-- the process can be queried to determine this path. Other operating systems
-- (notably, FreeBSD and other unix systems) are not currently supported
return pane:get_foreground_process_name():find('n?vim') ~= nil
-- return pane:get_title():find("n?vim") ~= nil
local function conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, pane_direction, vim_direction)
if isViProcess(pane) then
-- This should match the keybinds you set in Neovim.
act.SendKey({ key = vim_direction, mods = 'ALT' }),
window:perform_action(act.ActivatePaneDirection(pane_direction), pane)
wezterm.on('ActivatePaneDirection-right', function(window, pane)
conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, 'Right', 'l')
wezterm.on('ActivatePaneDirection-left', function(window, pane)
conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, 'Left', 'h')
wezterm.on('ActivatePaneDirection-up', function(window, pane)
conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, 'Up', 'k')
wezterm.on('ActivatePaneDirection-down', function(window, pane)
conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, 'Down', 'j')
-- Do not check for or show window with update information
config.check_for_updates = false
config.show_update_window = false
@ -77,58 +44,49 @@ config.tab_max_width = 24
config.colors = {
tab_bar = {
background = '#1d2021',
active_tab = {
bg_color = '#1d2021',
fg_color = '#d4be98',
intensity = 'Normal',
inactive_tab = {
bg_color = '#1d2021',
fg_color = '#7c6f64',
intensity = 'Half',
new_tab = {
bg_color = '#1d2021',
fg_color = '#7c6f64',
intensity = 'Half',
-- style tabs
active_tab = { bg_color = '#1d2021', fg_color = '#d4be98', intensity = 'Normal', italic = false, },
inactive_tab = { bg_color = '#1d2021', fg_color = '#7c6f64', intensity = 'Half', italic = false, },
inactive_tab_hover = { bg_color = '#1d2021', fg_color = '#7c6f64', intensity = 'Half', italic = false, },
new_tab = { bg_color = '#1d2021', fg_color = '#7c6f64', intensity = 'Half', italic = false, },
new_tab_hover = { bg_color = '#1d2021', fg_color = '#7c6f64', intensity = 'Half', italic = false, },
-- Key Assignments
config.disable_default_key_bindings = true
config.keys = {
-- Tabs
{ key = 't', mods = 'ALT', action = act.SpawnTab 'CurrentPaneDomain' },
{ key = 'w', mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act.CloseCurrentTab { confirm = false } },
config.keys = {}
-- Panes
{ key = 'v', mods = 'ALT', action = act.SplitVertical { domain = 'CurrentPaneDomain' } },
{ key = 'h', mods = 'ALT', action = act.SplitHorizontal { domain = 'CurrentPaneDomain' } },
{ key = 'x', mods = "ALT", action = act.CloseCurrentPane { confirm = false } },
-- Navigation
{ key = 'LeftArrow', mods = 'ALT', action = act.EmitEvent('ActivatePaneDirection-left' ) },
{ key = 'DownArrow', mods = 'ALT', action = act.EmitEvent('ActivatePaneDirection-down' ) },
{ key = 'UpArrow', mods = 'ALT', action = act.EmitEvent('ActivatePaneDirection-up' ) },
{ key = 'RightArrow', mods = 'ALT', action = act.EmitEvent('ActivatePaneDirection-right') },
-- Clipboard
{ key = 'X', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ActivateCopyMode },
{ key = 'C', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.CopyTo 'ClipboardAndPrimarySelection' },
{ key = 'V', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.PasteFrom 'Clipboard' },
-- Bind tabs to number keys
for i = 1, 5 do
for i = 1, 8 do
-- CTRL+ALT + number to activate that tab
table.insert(config.keys, {
key = tostring(i),
mods = 'ALT',
mods = 'CTRL|ALT',
action = act.ActivateTab(i - 1),
config.keys = {
-- Tabs
{ key = 't', mods = 'ALT', action = act.SpawnTab 'CurrentPaneDomain', },
{ key = 'w', mods = "ALT|CTRL", action = act.CloseCurrentTab { confirm = false }, },
-- Panes
{ key = 'v', mods = 'ALT', action = act.SplitVertical { domain = 'CurrentPaneDomain' }, },
{ key = 'h', mods = 'ALT', action = act.SplitHorizontal { domain = 'CurrentPaneDomain' }, },
{ key = 'x', mods = "ALT", action = act.CloseCurrentPane { confirm = false }, },
-- Navigation
{ key = 'LeftArrow', mods = 'ALT', action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
{ key = 'RightArrow', mods = 'ALT', action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
{ key = 'DownArrow', mods = 'ALT', action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Next', },
{ key = 'UpArrow', mods = 'ALT', action = act.ActivatePaneDirection 'Prev', },
-- Copy Mode / Clipboard
{ key = 'X', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ActivateCopyMode, },
{ key = 'C', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.CopyTo 'ClipboardAndPrimarySelection', },
{ key = 'V', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.PasteFrom 'Clipboard', },
return config