hide channels

This commit is contained in:
♥ Minnie ♥ 2024-01-29 22:25:54 +08:00
parent 45af898d24
commit 28285a045c
2 changed files with 356 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
source = ./config/custom.css; source = ./config/custom.css;
}; };
home.file.".config/BetterDiscord/plugins/HideChannels.plugin.js" = {
enable = true;
source = ./plugins/HideChannels.plugin.js;
home.persistence."/persist/home/sajenim".directories = [ home.persistence."/persist/home/sajenim".directories = [
".config/discord" ".config/discord"
".config/BetterDiscord" ".config/BetterDiscord"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
* @name Hide Channels
* @author Farcrada
* @version 2.2.11
* @description Hide channel list from view.
* @invite qH6UWCwfTu
* @website https://github.com/Farcrada/DiscordPlugins
* @source https://github.com/Farcrada/DiscordPlugins/edit/master/Hide-Channels/HideChannels.plugin.js
* @updateUrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Farcrada/DiscordPlugins/master/Hide-Channels/HideChannels.plugin.js
/** @type {typeof import("react")} */
const React = BdApi.React;
const { Webpack, Webpack: { Filters }, Data, DOM, Patcher } = BdApi,
config = {
info: {
name: "Hide Channels",
id: "HideChannels",
description: "Hide channel list from view.",
version: "2.2.11",
author: "Farcrada",
updateUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Farcrada/DiscordPlugins/master/Hide-Channels/HideChannels.plugin.js"
constants: {
//The names we need for CSS
cssStyle: "HideChannelsStyle",
hideElementsName: "hideChannelElement",
buttonID: "toggleChannels",
buttonHidden: "channelsHidden",
buttonVisible: "channelsVisible"
module.exports = class HideChannels {
load() {
try { global.ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUpdater.checkForUpdate(config.info.name, config.info.version, config.info.updateUrl); }
catch (err) { console.error(config.info.name, "Failed to reach the ZeresPluginLibrary for Plugin Updater.", err); }
start() {
try {
//React components for settings
this.WindowInfoStore = Webpack.getModule(Filters.byKeys("isFocused", "isElementFullScreen"));
this.KeybindToCombo = Webpack.getModule(Filters.byStrings("numpad plus"), { searchExports: true });
this.KeybindToString = Webpack.getModule(Filters.byStrings(".join(\"+\")"), { searchExports: true });
//The sidebar to "minimize"/hide
this.sidebarClass = Webpack.getModule(Filters.byKeys("container", "base")).sidebar;
this.headerBarClass = Webpack.getModule(Filters.byKeys("chat", "title")).title;
//And the keybind
this.animation = this.checkKeybindLoad(Data.load(config.info.id, "animation")) ?? true;
this.keybindSetting = this.checkKeybindLoad(Data.load(config.info.id, "keybind"));
this.keybind = this.keybindSetting.split('+');
//Predefine for the eventlistener
this.currentlyPressed = {};
//Render the button and we're off to the races!
const filter = f => f?.Icon && f.Title,
modules = Webpack.getModule(m => Object.values(m).some(filter), { first: false });
for (const module of modules) {
const HeaderBar = [module, Object.keys(module).find(k => filter(module[k]))];
catch (err) {
try {
console.error("Attempting to stop after starting error...", err)
catch (err) {
console.error(config.info.name + ".stop()", err);
getSettingsPanel() {
//Settings window is lazy loaded so we need to cache this after it's been loaded (i.e. open settings).
//This also allows for a (delayed) call to retrieve a way to prompt a Form
if (!this.KeybindRecorder) {
this.KeybindRecorder = Webpack.getModule(m => m.prototype?.cleanUp);
this.FormItem = Webpack.getModule(Filters.byRegex(/(case .\.LEGEND:)/), { searchExports: true });
this.SwitchItem = Webpack.getModule(Filters.byStrings("=e.note", "checked:"), { searchExports: true });
//Return our keybind settings wrapped in a form item
return () => {
const [animation, setanimation] = React.useState(this.animation);
return [
React.createElement(this.SwitchItem, {
value: animation,
note: "Enable the hide animation. Useful if the animation is \"unstatisfactory\".",
onChange: (newState) => {
//Save new state
this.animation = newState;
Data.save(config.info.id, "animation", newState);
//Update CSS to reflect new settings.
}, "Enable Hide Animation"),
React.createElement(this.FormItem, {
tag: "h5"
}, "Toggle by keybind:",
//Containing a keybind recorder.
React.createElement(this.KeybindRecorder, {
//The `keyup` and `keydown` events register the Ctrl key different
//We need to accomodate for that
defaultValue: this.KeybindToCombo(this.keybindSetting.replace("control", "ctrl")),
onChange: (e) => {
//Convert the keybind to current locale
//Once again accomodate for event differences
const keybindString = this.KeybindToString(e).toLowerCase().replace("ctrl", "control");
//Set the keybind and save it.
Data.save(config.info.id, "keybind", keybindString);
//And the keybindSetting
this.keybindSetting = keybindString;
this.keybind = keybindString.split('+');
stop() {
//Our CSS
//And if there are remnants of css left,
//make sure we remove the class from the sidebar to ensure visual confirmation.
let sidebar = document.querySelector(`.${this.sidebarClass}`);
if (sidebar?.classList.contains(config.constants.hideElementsName))
* @param {object[]} headerBar The module and the export's name (as a string) that contains it
patchTitleBar(headerBar) {
Patcher.before(config.info.id, ...headerBar, (thisObject, methodArguments, returnValue) => {
//When elements are being re-rendered we need to check if there actually is a place for us.
//Along with that we need to check if what we're adding to is an array.
if (Array.isArray(methodArguments[0]?.children))
if (methodArguments[0].children.some?.(child =>
//Make sure we're on the "original" headerbar and not that of a Voice channel's chat, or thread.
child?.props?.channel ||
//The friends page
child?.type?.Header ||
//The Nitro page
child?.props?.children === "Nitro" ||
//Home page of certain servers. This is gonna be broken next update, calling it.
child?.props?.children?.some?.(grandChild => typeof grandChild === 'string')))
//Make sure our component isn't already present.
if (!methodArguments[0].children.some?.(child => child?.key === config.info.id))
//And since we want to be on the most left of the header bar for style we unshift into the array.
methodArguments[0].children.unshift?.(React.createElement(this.hideChannelComponent, { key: config.info.id }));
* React component for our button.
* @returns React element
hideChannelComponent = () => {
//Only fetch the sidebar on a rerender.
const sidebarNode = document.querySelector(`.${this.sidebarClass}`),
//When a state updates, it rerenders.
[hidden, setHidden] = React.useState(
//Check on a rerender where our side bar is so we can correctly reflect this.
* Use this to make a despensable easy to use listener with React.
* @param {string} eventName The name of the event to listen for.
* @param {callback} callback Function to call when said event is triggered.
* @param {boolean} bubbling Handle bubbling or not
* @param {object} [target] The object to attach our listener to.
function useListener(eventName, callback, bubbling, target = window) {
React.useEffect(() => {
target.addEventListener(eventName, callback, bubbling);
return () => target.removeEventListener(eventName, callback, bubbling);
function useWindowChangeListener(windowStore, callback) {
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => windowStore.removeChangeListener(callback);
* @param {Node} sidebar Sidebar node we want to toggle.
* @returns The passed state in reverse.
function toggleSidebar(sidebar) {
* Adds and removes our CSS to make our sidebar appear and disappear.
* @param {boolean} state State that determines the toggle.
* @returns The passed state in reverse.
return state => {
//If it is showing, we need to hide it.
if (!state)
//We hide it through CSS by adding a class.
//If it is hidden, we need to show it.
return !state;
//Keydown event
useListener("keydown", e => {
//Since we made this an object,
//we can make new properties with `[]`
if (e?.key?.toLowerCase)
this.currentlyPressed[e.key.toLowerCase()] = true;
//Account for bubbling
}, true);
//Keyup event
useListener("keyup", e => {
//Check if every currentlyPessed is in our saved keybind.
if (this.keybind.every(key => this.currentlyPressed[key.toLowerCase()] === true))
//Toggle the sidebar and rerender on toggle; change the state
//Current key goes up, so...
this.currentlyPressed[e.key.toLowerCase()] = false;
//Account for bubbling
}, true);
//Lose focus event
useWindowChangeListener(this.WindowInfoStore, () => {
//Clear when it gets back into focus
if (this.WindowInfoStore.isFocused())
this.currentlyPressed = {};
//Return our element.
return React.createElement("div", {
id: config.constants.buttonID,
//The icon
className: hidden ? config.constants.buttonHidden : config.constants.buttonVisible,
//Toggle the sidebar and rerender on toggle; change the state.
onClick: () => setHidden(toggleSidebar(sidebarNode))
* Checks the given keybind for validity. If not valid returns a default keybind.
* @param {String|Array.<number>|Array.<Array.<number>>} keybindToLoad The keybind to filter and load in.
* @param {String} [defaultKeybind] A default keybind to fall back on in case of invalidity.
* @returns Will return the keybind or return a default keybind.
checkKeybindLoad(keybindToLoad, defaultKeybind = "control+h") {
defaultKeybind = defaultKeybind.toLowerCase().replace("ctrl", "control");
//If no keybind
if (!keybindToLoad)
return defaultKeybind;
//Error sensitive, so just plump it into a try-catch
try {
//If it's already a string, double check it
if (typeof (keybindToLoad) === typeof (defaultKeybind)) {
keybindToLoad = keybindToLoad.toLowerCase().replace("control", "ctrl");
//Does it go into a combo? (i.e.: is it the correct format?)
if (this.KeybindToCombo(keybindToLoad))
return keybindToLoad.replace("ctrl", "control");
return defaultKeybind;
//If it's not a string, check if it's a combo.
if (this.KeybindToString(keybindToLoad))
return this.KeybindToString(keybindToLoad).toLowerCase().replace("ctrl", "control");
catch (e) { return defaultKeybind; }
generateCSS() {
//Check if there is any CSS we have already, and remove it.
//Now inject our (new) CSS
DOM.addStyle(config.constants.cssStyle, `
/* Button CSS */
#${config.constants.buttonID} {
min-width: 24px;
height: 24px;
background-position: center !important;
background-size: 100% !important;
opacity: 0.8;
cursor: pointer;
/* How the button looks */
.theme-dark #${config.constants.buttonID}.${config.constants.buttonVisible} {
background: url() no-repeat;
.theme-dark #${config.constants.buttonID}.${config.constants.buttonHidden} {
background: url() no-repeat;
/* In light theme */
.theme-light #${config.constants.buttonID}.${config.constants.buttonVisible} {
background: url() no-repeat;
.theme-light #${config.constants.buttonID}.${config.constants.buttonHidden} {
background: url() no-repeat;
/* Attached CSS to sidebar */
.${config.constants.hideElementsName} {
width: 0 !important;
/* Set animations */
.${this.sidebarClass} {
${this.animation ? "transition: width 400ms ease;" : ""}
overflow: hidden;