remove xmobar-config

This commit is contained in:
♥ Minnie ♥ 2023-05-02 03:11:50 +08:00
parent 30b2f7931b
commit 1a6f4f18f3
4 changed files with 0 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -3,5 +3,4 @@
{ pkgs ? (import ../nixpkgs.nix) { } }: { { pkgs ? (import ../nixpkgs.nix) { } }: {
# example = pkgs.callPackage ./example { }; # example = pkgs.callPackage ./example { };
xmobar = pkgs.callPackage ./xmobar-config { };
} }

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs }:
pkgs.haskellPackages.developPackage {
root = ./.;
modifier = drv:
pkgs.haskell.lib.addBuildTools drv (with pkgs.haskellPackages;
[ cabal-install ]

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
import Xmobar
-- | Configuration
config :: Config
config = defaultConfig
-- general settings
{ font = "Fira Code Semi Bold 9"
, additionalFonts = [ "Symbols Nerd Font 2048-em 24" ]
, bgColor = bg1
, fgColor = fg0
, position = Static { xpos = 1920, ypos = 0, width = 2560, height = 24 }
-- commands to run
, commands =
[ Run $ XPropertyLog "_XMONAD_LOG_1"
, Run $ Com "uname" ["-r","-s"] "" 0
, Run $ Date "%a %b %_d %Y <fc=#d8a657>%H:%M:%S</fc>" "date" 10
, Run $ Weather "YPJT"
[ "-t", "Temp: <fc=#d3869b><tempC>C</fc> <fc=#7c6f64>|</fc> Wind: <fc=#a9b665><windKmh>km/h</fc> <fc=#7c6f64>|</fc> Humidity: <fc=#e78a4e><rh>%</fc>" ]
-- format our bar
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = "<hspace=6/><fn=1>\59255</fn> <fc=#a9b665>%uname%</fc> <fc=#7c6f64>|</fc>%_XMONAD_LOG_1%}{%YPJT% <fc=#7c6f64>|</fc> %date%<hspace=6/>"
-- | Gruvbox material
bg0, bg1, fg0, fg1, red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, blue, purple :: String
-- backgrounds
bg0 = "#1d2021"
bg1 = "#282828"
-- foregrounds
fg0 = "#d4be98"
fg1 = "#ddc7a1"
-- greys
grey0 = "#7c6f64"
-- colors
red = "#ea6962"
orange = "#e78a4e"
yellow = "#d8a658"
green = "#a9b665"
aqua = "#89b482"
blue = "#7daea3"
purple = "#d3869b"
main :: IO ()
main = configFromArgs config >>= xmobar

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
name: xmobar-config
description: xmobar configs
author: sajenim
license: BSD-3-Clause
build-type: Simple
executable xmobar-top
main-is: xmobar-top.hs
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
build-depends: base,
default-language: Haskell2010