# The Dactyl Keyboard The Dactyl is a parameterized, split-hand, concave, columnar, ergonomic keyboard. ## Assembly ### Generating a Design TODO ### Printing Pregenerated STL files are available in the [things/](things/) directory. ### Wiring Masks for the flexible PCBs I used are available for the [left](resources/pcb-left.svg) and [right](resources/pcb-right.svg) side. TODO: Tutorial on how to actually make these. ## License Copyright © 2015 Matthew Adereth The source code for generating the models (everything excluding the [things/](things/) and [resources/](resources/) directories is distributed under the [GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3](LICENSE). The generated models and PCB designs are distributed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Version 3.0](LICENSE-models).